INTERVIEW | 28/01/2025 | 14:50
Lorenzo Jovanotti has always been a great lover of sports, and cycling in particular. Born in 1966 in Cortona, he has pedaled and continues to pedal to find inspiration, to travel, to discover. His love for bicycles was the common thread of the long interview he gave to Matteo Dore from La Gazzetta dello Sport. Here are some excerpts of Jovanotti's thoughts on two wheels.
THE GIRO. "The bike is a great love, since I was a child. My father was passionate, we would watch the Giro d'Italia together, it was the signal that summer was about to begin, I've always linked the Giro to a beautiful feeling. And last year I even made the official theme song."
PANTANI. "The last time I saw him, he talked to me about what he wanted to do next and told me he didn't want to stay in the cycling world. He asked me for advice about the music world. I tried to discourage him, I told him 'Marco, why would you become a singer? Start a cycling school, use all the experiences you have...'. We were pedaling on a road near Forlì. Marco gave me one of the most powerful emotions, I still have those moments in my head when he would throw his glasses and go, it was crazy."
SPORTS. "I'm a practitioner before being a fan. I have an athlete's mentality, before starting a tour I always trained as if I were going to the Olympics. I started with the bike when I understood it was good for me, I needed it for my stage performance, then it became a passion that compensated for my public life, cycling is about going away into the mountains, on provincial roads. I did a few amateur cycling races and realized it wasn't my story. For me, cycling is a solitary sport, it's my way of meditating. I wrote some of my most beautiful songs while cycling. 'The Greatest Show After the Big Bang' was born while pedaling."
BICYCLE TRAVELS. "I've done many: Patagonia, Pakistan, Armenia and Iran, Chile and Argentina, New Zealand. Which one would I do again immediately? Argentina. Endless roads, kind people. On a bike, you meet people. There's a normality that manifests itself through hospitality, kindness, simply by giving advice about which road to take. Cycling is a beautiful way of traveling that you can't know how beautiful it is until you try it. You enter the places, you come into contact with the landscape, you become the landscape."
THE BIKE IS NOT TO BLAME. "In Santo Domingo, July 2023, a straight road, an unmarked bump and I found myself on the ground with my leg in pieces. And to think that I'm careful, I always wear a helmet, don't listen to music, don't use headphones. Maybe it was supposed to go exactly like this. The bike is not to blame. Even in these months, I've looked at it with affection. And now, finally, I've found it again."

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28 gennaio 2025 23:34 bove
Il ciclismo, anzi la bici, ha bisogno di un testimonial trasversale in merito alla sicurezza stradale.

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