MOURNING | 26/01/2025 | 11:50
di Bibi Ajraghi
Sara has returned home: this is what mom Marianna and dad Lorenzo wanted, this is what her brothers Christian, Gabriele, and Loris wanted. They chose dad Lorenzo's studio, they hung the jerseys from Montecorona, Velosport Mezzocorona, Lady Zuliani, Wilier Pierobon, Memdelspeck, and the National team - all those worn by Sara - creating a rainbow, with her photos, her works, yes because Sara also loved art, she had creativity and style.
It's an uninterrupted pilgrimage that reaches the Piffer house in Palù di Giovo: the entire community wants to gather around the family, wants to share their pain, wants to say goodbye to Sara. A girl who will always be in their hearts.
A few months ago, she had worked to restore the Madonna del Capitello statue, there in the middle of the fields, on the road leading to the Masi and overlooking the entire Palù di Giovo. And that statue has become the symbol of these days: the family has chosen it as the image for the memories distributed these hours, the entire community whispers her name, thanking Sara and directing a prayer up there.
This evening in the Parish Church, the Holy Rosary will be recited, tomorrow at 3 pm an entire town, and not just that, will be there again to give Sara a final farewell.
Actually, this expression is only conventional, because the farewell will not be the last. Simply because Sara will remain in this community, in her Palù. To understand this, just look at the eyes of the people going up to the Piffer house; to be aware of this, just read these words, which represent everyone's thoughts: "...We never thought you would become our guardian angel" - her classmates wrote in a long, emotion-filled letter -. "but we are certain that wherever you are, you will protect us and will always be with us.
You have always helped us and even now we are sure that you have helped us write this.
Otherwise, we would never have managed on our own. Now that you've finished reading, get back in the saddle, fasten your helmet, pull down your glasses and continue pedaling.
We love you and keep pedaling higher and higher, little Sara".

Copyright © TBW
27 gennaio 2025 16:44 Pippopeppo35
alla famiglia

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