PROFESSIONALS | 26/01/2025 | 08:30
di Federico Guido

Aiming high. In designing the 2025 route of the Alula Tour, A.S.O. (the company organizing the Saudi race since 2020) has literally taken this intent to heart. In fact, since this short stage race exists, never before had a route with a total elevation gain over 6000 meters been proposed, a milestone that has been reached (and surpassed) with the five stages prepared for the fifth edition scheduled from Tuesday, January 28th to Saturday, February 1st.

The reason behind this historic intensification essentially lies in the profile of the second stage, which alone puts 2415 meters of elevation on the table thanks to this year's true novelty: the climb to Bir Jaydah Mountain Wirkah, a climb of 2.9 kilometers with an average gradient of 9.2% (with peaks at 15%) that makes its grand debut in the route by being tackled three times in the finale of the stage starting from the old city of Alula.

This challenging conclusion, combined with the now iconic finish towards the Skyviews of Harrat Uwayrid (4 kilometers uphill with peaks at 22%) where the race has always been decided in the past except for the first edition, ensures that the Alula Tour 2025 will definitely cater more to the puncheurs and that, in the end, a much more fierce and heated battle in the general classification can materialize.

Those who will want to attempt an assault on the green leader's jersey, however, will not only need to be ready for the two challenging finishes on Wednesday and Friday but, at the same time, will have to remain vigilant during the remaining three stages in the program, given that the wind danger in this area is always just around the corner and teams equipped to turn this variable to their advantage by opening echelons will not be lacking.

Nonetheless, the fact remains that, excluding the wind threat, this trio of stages is on paper favorable to sprinters who, both in the shadow of the AlManshiyah railway station (on the first day), at the Tayma Fort (on the third day) and at the Camel Cup Track (on the fifth day) will find their bread and butter and can, adequately supported by their train, start 2025 in the best possible way by achieving their first significant victories.

Even though all the race protagonists will be at their seasonal debut, there will certainly be elements to enjoy a spectacular and lively edition like never before, both on the tough mountains of the area and along the dusty desert valleys, scenarios that will certainly, beyond what the riders will offer, be able to give intense emotions once again.

Copyright © TBW
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