MOURNING | 25/01/2025 | 16:39
di Francesca Monzone
Many cycling champions have wanted to express their sorrow for what happened to Sara Piffer, and among these is Gianni Bugno who, through tuttobiciweb, wanted to express his closeness to the family of the young girl who tragically died yesterday at only 19 years old while training and, at the same time, wanted to highlight the aspects that still lead to the death of many people while cycling.
"What happened to young Sara reminds me of what happened to Michele Scarponi," said the two-time world champion, "even Scarponi's accident had the sun as a problem." Michele tragically died on April 22, 2017, while training on the roads of his Filottrano. The Marche cyclist was hit by a vehicle coming from a secondary road that hit him full-on, not seeing him arrive due to the sunlight on the windshield. "Sara also died because of the sun in the driver's eyes, according to what I read. The driver made an overtaking and would have said he did not see the girl because of the sun in his eyes. This is not acceptable."
Gianni Bugno learned of the girl's tragic death from the media, and his sorrow was great, not only because cycling is still his greatest passion, but also because he is both a parent and a grandfather.
"If there is no road education, you can do nothing. It's like overtaking on a curve where you can't see who is coming in the opposite direction. So even when you drive against the sun, you don't see, and it's on the same level as overtaking on a curve. The sun is an aggravating factor because you have overtaken when you couldn't." The statements from the Monza champion came before the press release from the Italian Cycling Federation.
"Our Federation should think about the fact that accidents like these still happen today. We must think about the cyclist who must be protected when he is on the road, when he is training but also when he enjoys going out on a bike for a ride. We cannot think only about competitive cycling and future medals, because if we do not think about our kids on the roads now, we will never have champions tomorrow."
The Monza champion confesses to being afraid when he goes out on a bike and therefore does it less and less. "I go out on a bike little because I do not feel safe. No one truly important has declared their closeness to the family and concern for what is happening on our roads. A parent today watches Sinner on television and decides to take their child to play tennis and not cycling, because tennis is safer. I want young people and amateurs to be safe when they go pedaling on the road. We cannot condemn a cyclist to ride only on a track or in a circuit because if he goes on the road, he risks dying. I was a champion in cycling and was president of the CPA, but today I can only cry for a dead girl and be close to her family. But beyond my outburst, what can we do? We must all do something useful and sincere. Institutions must absolutely do something. We cannot ignore Sara's death, because this girl is our daughter, our dear friend, she is a sister and we cannot ignore what happened to her. When I go out on a bike, I have fears, I know when I leave but I don't know if I'll return. But is it right to have such a fear?" Bugno reflects on the youngest categories of cycling, those who go out to train every day with the dream of racing in an important race one day and entering the team where the great champions are today. "I think about our beginners, juniors, and Under23, but are they safe on the roads? No. And I would like someone above me to help our kids, but also the dad who goes for a ride on Sunday with his little son and friends who go for a ride. We need respect and education and less aggression. If we solve these problems, then we will have safer roads."

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25 gennaio 2025 17:33 Bullet
Non ho mai sentito un automobilista che sbatte contro un altro automobilista dire che è colpa del sole negli occhi, perché se è così allora non bisognerebbe neanche uscire in strada se è così pericoloso. Mi stupisce che Bugno segua questa motiviziane che è la stessa di tutti gli incidenti in cui è coinvolto un ciclista "eh ma non l'ho visto ecc ecc" poi vai in Spagna e da quando hanno fatto una riforma vera a favore degli utenti più deboli il numero di morti in bicicletta è drasticamente calato ma si sa il sole della Spagna è diverso dal nostro.

25 gennaio 2025 18:03 lupin3
Bravo Gianni, parole giuste. Purtroppo ad alto livello, anche in ambiente ciclistico, si considera ormai persa la battaglia per il ciclismo su strada. Saremo relegati a piste, autodromi, ciclodromi e sentieri.

25 gennaio 2025 19:31 siluro1946
Sanzionare gli assassini in auto è sacrosanto ma si dovrebbe punire anche coloro gravi infrazioni prima della tragedia. Sospendere e ritirare patenti per anni a coloro che commettono gravi infrazioni.

26 gennaio 2025 08:05 uybello79
protestiamo, tutti in bici a fermare il traffico...così ci mettono tutti in galera non ci saranno più bici per strada e LORO saranno contenti...purtroppo non vedo vie di uscita, il mondo è ignorante, se ne frega e va avanti

26 gennaio 2025 09:29 Claude60
È vero il sole, soprattutto in questo periodi che è basso, impedisce di vedere bene, quindi se non vedi non sorpassi.

26 gennaio 2025 18:22 JeanRobic
Si uno sorpassa con il sole dritto negli occhi.

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