PROFESSIONALS | 25/01/2025 | 08:15
di Francesca Monzone

The World Championships in Rwanda are certainly a topic of discussion and will continue to be in the coming months, even though probably too much alarm has been created, particularly regarding vaccines. A hot topic that Belgian Cycling, the Belgian federation, wanted to clarify through the national cycling team doctor Kris Van der Mieren. A doctor who explained to national media that Kigali is not in the middle of the savanna and that hospitals work perfectly, but most importantly - jokes aside - that a good period for vaccine prophylaxis could be after the Tour de France.

"Many riders do not yet know if they will be called up for the World Championships in Kigali, so it is quite logical that they have not yet been vaccinated. The protocol is quite simple and requires a single dose against yellow fever that is valid for life. There will still be time to do it in spring, after the classics, or even right after the Tour de France, since at that time there will be about fifty days left until the World Championships".

Initially, a more demanding vaccination protocol was discussed, but the Belgian doctor assured that most of the population has already received those vaccinations in early childhood and therefore we are facing an unjustified form of alarm. "Our federation has decided to follow the guidelines of the Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine. To go to Rwanda, a series of vaccinations are recommended that a Belgian citizen has certainly received during childhood. I'm thinking of measles, whooping cough, or polio, for example. The only vaccine I would define as more specific is the one against yellow fever, a disease transmitted by mosquitoes. In healthy, unvaccinated individuals, it can cause a fever similar to a severe flu and in the most serious cases, it can affect the liver, kidneys, and be fatal. So it is right to get the vaccine for this disease".

Contrary to what was initially hypothesized, Belgium is also thinking of sending all categories, because Rwanda is a politically calm country, without guerrillas and with a low risk of infections.

"Apart from the vaccination issue, in my opinion, this World Championship will not be dangerous for health – continued Dr. Kris Van der Mieren – From the information received, medical standards in Kigali are similar to those we know in Europe. Hospitals, for example, are of excellent level and we must not think that the races will take place in the middle of the savanna. As a precaution, however, we will bring drinking water to avoid any risk of contamination".

Another important issue concerns logistics, with hotel costs exceeding 500 euros per night and therefore there is a need to quickly find a place where national teams can create their base. "Belgian Cycling should soon make its choice regarding the hotel that will host our delegation. A very important element in terms of logistics, comfort, and also health. The applied prices have pushed some countries to make strong choices but it will be necessary to find the right balance on these different points to avoid having to make sacrifices. A long acclimatization period will not be necessary for the riders. The time zone difference is not important and temperatures should not exceed 25-30 degrees. In short, everything is possible".

There is a solution for everything, even for the altitude problem, considering that Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, is located at 1400 meters above sea level. "Riders can follow a simplified approach thanks to the hypoxic tents that many have. So arriving in Kigali just before the races will have little impact on the riders, therefore I see no problems for these world championships".

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25 gennaio 2025 10:04 Line
anche i vicini del covid non dovevano essere pericolosi .............. ma cosi non sembra

Line Fake
25 gennaio 2025 10:35 GianEnri
Argomenta con dati, fatti e statistiche la tua affermazione per il vaccino Covid.
E il vaccino contro la febbre gialla dura tutta la vità, ha una efficacia del 95% e una eccellente tollerabilità.

Dei vaccini mi fido
25 gennaio 2025 13:03 Miguelon
Ma solo se fatti da uno Stato democratico e non acquistati a peso d'oro e a scatola chiusa da privati che fanno per il profitto, con trials discutibili od assenti. Ogni cosa col suo nome.

Ruanda il domani
25 gennaio 2025 13:23 pagnonce
Questo è il paese emergente.Da qui attingneremo campioni nei prossimi immediati anni per il ciclismo.Qui per una sola gara di cicloamatori sono presenti miglioni di spettatori.Meditate gente meditate.

25 gennaio 2025 14:33 Miguelon
Con questa andazzo consumeremo il ciclismo anche in Rwanda, come da noi. Senza attenzione alla base, questo avviene. Il modello estrattivista, che consuma tutto, dalle materie prime alla natura, a questo porta. Essere almeno consapevoli che alla fine non resterà nulla, dopo aver consumato l'Africa e l'Oriente.

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