The letter reached our editorial office late last night, so we are sharing it today. It is a letter from a son, Michele, who remembers his dad who is no longer with us and who would have had a birthday yesterday. He offers us the memory of a man - Alessandro Falsarella, but everyone knew him as Ciano - who had cycling in his heart.
Dad, today you would have turned 89. On Sunday, I was at the Italian Cyclocross Championship in Faè. Your presence was felt. The dozens of people I met felt it. Each of them reminded me of an anecdote about you. Confirming your unbridled passion for cycling and the people who follow it.
But because of me, you also liked football. You followed me everywhere, cheering like a cyclist, therefore with the utmost fairness. In all these years, I never heard you make a controversy. You loved the good side of sports and you transmitted that to me. I hate those who argue, who see everything negatively, who criticize without knowing anything about sports.
In 1987, I was lucky to play in Appiano Gentile against Inter (professional youth eighth finals), now my Matteo will have the luck to play a friendly match in Milan against his Inter peers. History repeats itself, without forcing. As in your case (you gave me full freedom to choose the sport to practice), in Matteo's case I have also left any path open for him to follow. So all of this is just a coincidence.
Thursday, I'm sure you would have wanted to be here too. Full of pride and happy to see Matteo happy. Just as you were happy to see me happy. Regardless of the category. Have a good day, together with your cycling friends and others. And say hello to grandpa Giacomo!
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