INTERVIEW | 20/01/2025 | 08:20
di Francesca Monzone
Cordiano Dagnoni will lead the Italian Cycling Federation for another four-year term. This is the second mandate for the Lombard president, who this time wants to change course, reminding everyone that the Italian Cycling Federation is everyone's home, open to possible collaboration with his opponents: Daniela Isetti and Silvio Martinello, the challengers he had beaten four years ago.
"Compared to the previous elections, I would have liked to win in the first round and, to use a football term, I hit the post, I didn't score" - Cordiano Dagnoni recounted after the results -: "however, perhaps, all things considered, it's even more gratifying to make it in the second round with an even greater consensus". Dagnoni collected 110 votes in the first round, six less than necessary to be immediately elected, while in the second round he obtained 138 votes against Martinello's 92. By the way, neither Daniela Isetti nor Silvio Martinello arrived in the press area, and several unelected vice-presidential candidates left the assembly without commenting on the results. A silence that... was also felt on social media, with none of the defeated commenting.
The confirmed president Dagnoni spoke, obviously, according to whom this was a less venomous campaign compared to the previous one, where his opponents fought openly, without resorting to unfair tactics. "Especially I think of Silvio Martinello. Four years ago he was probably assisted from a communication perspective by someone with more aggressive tones, this time, even if he always expressed his critical stance towards the federation's work, I can say that he was much softer. As for Daniela Isetti, I would say that she maintained her usual sobriety, as is her style".
At the end of a four-year term, one always takes stock and looks at what was done well, but also at the mistakes that can be corrected. "As I've already said, the things that are working well should be left as they are. Regarding the missteps, as I defined them in the assembly, I've always been taught that a leader must make many mistakes, the important thing is not to always repeat the same ones and to improve. So I will obviously try to learn from the experience of these four years and put to good use a background that can be even more constructive in the next four years".
Dagnoni spoke about his previous mandate and the four years in which not everything went in the right direction. "Certainly, moments of tension were not lacking, and I refer to a very heterogeneous federal council, because it was essentially the representation of three different factions, so we often found ourselves in positions of imbalance and consequently now I hope to have a more cohesive and compact council, with which I can work more serenely".
There was also talk of technical commissioners, particularly for the men's and women's road sectors.
"Bennati is part of the team. There hasn't been a step back by Daniele in recent weeks, we've seen each other recently, so we maintain the good relationship we've always had. The male and female technical commissioners are pieces we need to work on, because the Federation must also think about professionals and the medals we can win. In recent weeks, I haven't focused on the technicians but on other things, and regarding the women's sector, in light of Paolo Sangalli's departure, we're talking about a delicate and important role given the great success and high level of our athletes".
One of the topics Cordiano Dagnoni repeatedly mentioned yesterday in Rome was safety, a theme that will play a very important role in this new four-year term. "For us, it's a priority topic, I hope to be listened to a bit more by various institutions compared to the past. It's true that the federation must deal with competitive sports, the main objective is to win medals at the Olympics and World Championships, but we are the home of cycling and represent everyone who rides a bicycle. From a detailed analysis, it emerged that we are the third most practiced sport, ahead of us are only gyms with a fictitious number of practitioners, because many sign up and then don't practice, and then there's running, because with a pair of shoes and shorts you can run anywhere. We have more than double the practitioners of football, so we're talking about important numbers, we're talking about millions of practitioners and consequently we have the absolute duty and necessity to protect them on our roads".
A four-year term has ended and a new one has just begun. Dagnoni has clear ideas and wants to truly be the president of everyone, calling for a strong team capable of strengthening the Italian cycling movement. "Now there's already a team with a strong backbone. I've always said that - despite my work experience, and also the experience I had in the Lombardy regional committee, which is the largest and most difficult to manage - when I arrived at the federation, I had to learn many things, so in this new four-year term, I feel more confident. I've learned many management dynamics within a federation, which I think is one of the most complex due to the number of disciplines and specialties. It's an important federation and I will work to bring it back to the level it deserves".

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Complimenti! Ma non avevo dubbi.
20 gennaio 2025 11:38 pietrogiuliani
E stato quello che dovveva essere. Lo avevo già scritto in commenti precedenti, non c'è nessuno che si meriti questa carica più di Dagnoni o che possa fare meglio di lui per il ciclismo italino oggi. Quindi complimenti! Ha vinto il più "forte" e il più bravo. Fortunatamente per il nostro ciclismo, siamo rimasti in buone mani e il futuro sarà sicuramente roseo e vincente! Bravo Presidente!

20 gennaio 2025 12:37 Stef83
Speriamo che il futuro sia un po' diverso dal presente....

Debacle agonistica e mediatica negli ultimi 4 anni
20 gennaio 2025 12:38 marco1970
Credo che non ci sia nulla da festeggiare per questo quadriennio dell'era Dagnoni.Sul piano dei risultati situazione desolante.Non si vince più niente.Sul piano mediatico spazi sempre più ridotti sulla carta stampata e sport completamente ignorato dai TG nonostante le imprese di grandissimi campioni stranieri.

Solite parole
20 gennaio 2025 13:15 Bullet
Come parla di movimento, categorie e società ciclistiche lui nessuno...infatti non ne parla mai, solo medaglie e posizione politica o meglio dire di leader come si autoriconosce lui, bene.

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di Francesca Monzone
Cordiano Dagnoni guiderà la Federciclismo per un nuovo quadriennio. E’ il secondo mandato per il lombardo, che questa volta vuole cambiare rotta, ricordando a tutti che la Federazione Ciclistica Italiana, è la casa di tutti, aperta anche a possibili collaborazione...

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