AWARDS | 20/01/2025 | 08:10
di Francesco Coppola
On the morning of Sunday, January 19th, in the Apollinee halls of Teatro La Fenice, the ceremony for awarding the special recognition "The Venetian of the Year 2024" took place, with the participation of Vice Mayor Andrea Tomaello, representing the Municipal Administration. The award, now in its 45th edition, was attributed after the introductory speech by the Prize Committee coordinator, Pier Luigi Borella, who remembered Palmiro Fongher, Venetian of the Year in 1988, by the Rector of Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Tiziana Lippiello and handed over by Vice Mayor Tomaello to the cycling couple, Dino Facchinetti and Alberto Fiorin, for having contributed to spreading, on the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo's death, the name and presence of Venice in the most remote Eurasian regions, retracing the "Silk Road" from Venice to Beijing. The two cyclists pedaled for 100 days without assistance, covering over 10,000 kilometers, through archaic rural landscapes, old and new metropolises, and inhospitable desert steppes, across 13 different nations.
At the event, which began with the reading of a message from the President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, other participants included Andrea Erri, General Director of the Teatro La Fenice Foundation, Darco Pellos, Prefect of Venice, the President of Vela Spa, Piero Rosa Salva, along with various civil and military authorities of the territory. "A great thank you to the Fenice - commented Vice Mayor Tomaello - an important cultural landmark for our city, which opens the doors to this splendid place every year. Thanks also to the Committee that over the years has helped consolidate the Award. I am pleased to be here today to present the recognition to two athletes, which as a Sports Councilor makes me very proud. Their adventure has certainly brought prestige to our city in the world, helping to spread the history and culture of Venice through their stories in a cycling adventure following in the footsteps of Marco Polo. It thus becomes important to make the new generations aware of the feats of the most famous Venetian traveler in the world, keeping the value of our city alive". Tomaello concluded by emphasizing: "My gratitude goes to Dino and Alberto, who bring pride to Venice".
The "Venetian of the Year" recognition is promoted by the Settemari Association and is awarded to individuals, entities, or institutions that have contributed through their activity, commitment, and testimony to the social and cultural improvement of the city or to spreading the name and prestige of Venice in the world. Among the Venetians who have received the award from 1978 to today: Uto Ughi and Bruno Tosi, Antonio Rosa Salva, Mara Venier, Giancarlo Ligabue, Egidio Martini, Alvise Zorzi, and many others. Among the awarded entities, companies, and institutions are also the Armenian Mechitarist Community, Teatro La Fenice, and the Jewish Community. While in 2019, a year marked by the Acqua Granda of November 12th, it was unanimously attributed "for the immediate and spontaneous mobilization to help the devastated and wounded city, to the new generation of the third millennium that was able to spread, with a high civic sense and contagious enthusiasm, stimuli and hopes for the future of our Community".

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di Francesco Coppola
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