BOOKS | 17/01/2025 | 08:10
di Marco Pastonesi
Two novels. "See You Up There" by Pierre Lemaitre. And "The Evil That Isn't" by Giulia Caminito. He's French, from Paris, she's Italian, from Rome. He's 74, and this is his 12th book, she's 36, and her book is just a few months old. "See You Up There" (Mondadori, 480 pages, 15 euros) is set during and after World War I. Two soldiers, one saves the other but loses his face, the other keeps him alive, they become friends, inseparable, almost, then accomplices. The ending shouldn't be revealed.
"The Evil That Isn't" (Bompiani, 272 pages, 18 euros), hypochondria, is what strikes a thirty-year-old and contaminates his existence, struggling at work, uncomfortable with his parents, in crisis with his partner, until exhaustion.
In "See You Up There" imagination rises to power, page after page facts grow, chapter after chapter plots multiply, the reader's curiosity almost becomes an addiction, unable to detach, even at night. In "The Evil That Isn't" the situation worsens, the malaise materializes, personifies itself, and it's darkness, and it's emptiness, and it's an abyss, and the reader risks identifying, or being annoyed, and taking sides, or finally learning to understand.
In both novels, bicycles in the background. "Whether it was a photo of a cyclist cut from 'L'Illustration', three verses he had copied from an anthology or four small marbles and one large won during recess at Soubise, Madame Maillard considered every secret as a betrayal"; "One day, in a circus, little monkeys in sailor costumes rode bicycles and wailed enough to make you cry. Such deep pain is heart-wrenching"; "He carried advertising panels on the streets, one in front, one behind, weighing as much as a dead donkey, that stuff. With posters boasting the prices of La Samaritaine or the quality of De Dion-Bouton bicycles"; "Along avenue Daumesnil, entire rows of vehicles hurried, taxis, carriages, buses, cyclists zigzagged, pedestrians quickened their pace" (from "See You Up There").
"The cellar was a cave and the boiler room a toothless mouth, the space where Tempesta kept the wines was the entrance to a labyrinth, walking through it all you'd reach the ocean. The rusty bicycle no one used anymore"; "She would have wanted to throw the glass against the screen, the woman and what she represented: Jo's friends, surf lovers with incredible balance, the bicycle she used effortlessly to move around the city, the protein foods she kept in the refrigerator"; "He reads so much and for so many hours that his body now burns, his eyes are thinned and glued to the paper, each sentence is for him only the sum of words, the speed with which he devours everything excludes being able to stop, he's a bicycle without brakes launched down one of Rome's hills, on the descents from Janiculum leading towards Trastevere"; "They entered a residential area made of wide villas, manicured gardens and deep pools, wealthy and elegant families, tennis courts, two-meter hedges and well-cut lawns, children ready to receive a new bicycle at every celebration" (from "The Evil That Isn't").

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