NEWS | 16/01/2025 | 11:00
di Luca Galimberti

Called "Ma petite entreprise" (literally "My small business"), it is an innovative project that, by the admission of its creators, is also a bit crazy. "Crazy to have my company's name on the team's jersey," reads the homepage of the official website. What are the objectives of "Ma petite entreprise"? We discover this by browsing the site: to create a professional men's and women's team supported by small businesses, local commercial activities, and enthusiasts that could participate in the Tour de France in 2030. From the presentation brochure, it is evident that four levels of possible investment have been set up: the "base quota" is 750 Euros, while the "Pro" quota is 15,000 Euros.

The challenge was launched by Emeric Ducruet, owner of two small commercial activities in Savoy (including a bakery, ed.) and sponsor and vice-president of Motte-Servolex Cyclisme, who then involved Michaël Amand, director of a communication agency, Simon Savre, a thirty-year-old who practiced cycling in youth categories, and the former Credit Agricole team trainee Cédric Noël.

"I've had this idea for years. It's also a symbolic way to involve everyone who wants to participate in a large-scale project without necessarily investing a fortune," Ducruet told our colleagues at L'Equipe. The manager also explained that the goal is to create a men's and women's Continental team for the 2026 season, highlighting that currently about 300 companies have committed to investing in the project. He then added: "We'll need at least 3 million euros and, considering an average investment of 1,500, the starting base foresees 3,000 partner companies to allow the hiring of twelve athletes for the men's team and twelve for the women's team. If the result is lower, only a women's team will be launched next year."

The road to the Grande Boucle of 2030 is still long, but the stages are already defined: this year will be dedicated to searching for athletes and staff members to be included in the team. And it seems that Emeric, Michaël, and Simon have already managed to make a great "market coup" by opening the doors to Vincent Lavenu, founder and manager for over thirty years of Decathlon AG2r La Mondiale.

Having concluded his relationship with the historic transalpine team, the newly sixty-nine-year-old manager from Chambéry is ready to get back in the game and told L'Equipe: "I know Emeric and Michaël, they involved me in this initiative that I like and whose values I share. I'll start as a simple volunteer, bringing my experience. I'll encourage them and if I can help them by creating contacts and 'networking', I will do so."

And further: "The idea is not to have a major titular partner, but thousands of partners who contribute to the budget and create synergy among themselves. This is already done in rugby, where some large clubs have a thousand partners. It's a really attractive idea that deserves to be explored over time, to demonstrate that all this is possible. Between April and May, we'll take stock of the situation and decide what kind of team to create."

Obviously, it's still too early to judge, but what is certain is that Ma petite entreprise is a project worth following. Tuttobiciweb will do so and will keep you informed.

Photos from Ma petite entreprise social media

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