PROFESSIONALS | 13/01/2025 | 15:15
di Giulia De Maio
He is the less famous Pidcock, but this time he deserves the spotlight. Joseph, known to everyone as Joey, is 22 years old and is Tom's younger brother, a two-time Olympic cross-country mountain bike champion and also a road cycling prodigy.

In view of his big jump to the top category from Trinity Racing to Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team, alongside his brother who is 3 years older, he shared a heartfelt message on social media addressed to those who supported him to reach this point. A post in which he openly talks about how his life changed when he discovered he suffered from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and how his family was fundamental in keeping him on track.

In November 2023, I started taking ADHD medication, right after the diagnosis, and this completely changed my life. It was like suddenly stopping walking in waters one and a half meters deep, as I had done until that moment.

Within 4 months, I won my first race after over 3 years. A month later, I won my first UCI race. It's not that the medications are magical, they didn't manage to solve my concussion or cure the Covid that ruined the rest of my season. I still need to see a physiotherapist every week and I'm not saying I don't have to work to get what I want. But before, I always felt depressed and demotivated. I had difficulties socializing, making and especially maintaining friendships. And it's not just about cycling motivation, but about everything. Like seeing friends, cooking dinner, texting my mom, going to sleep, getting out of bed.

I believe that the hardest part was the inability to let myself be helped. I didn't even realize it wasn't normal and that I couldn't solve any of this without help. It was like having to learn everything in life at 21 years old. I've come a long way, but I think it's fair to say I still have work to do. It's very likely that I have Asperger's and ADHD, but I don't think the label is important. I don't want compassion, but to point out that ADHD isn't just about not being able to sit still in school as the world believes. From my experience, suffering from it is much more sinister than that. Basically, I owe everything to my family for bringing me where I needed to be. Honestly, I would be a bit screwed without you. Thank you, mom.

What I want to say is that if you find yourself in a similar situation or if you are close to someone who is, start doing some research, it could completely change your life. Now with Team Q36.5 I believe I've found my new home, I'm really grateful and excited for the years to come. I wouldn't have accepted a spot in professional cycling if I didn't think I was capable. I'll make sure it's worth dedicating everyone's time to this mission. Thanks to those who allowed me to get here and to all those who will help me move forward.

Joey's message publicly received two hearts from his big brother Tom (in the photo below taken by Alex Duffill at the Tour of Britain, the first occasion when they raced together, albeit still in different teams, editor's note), comments from colleagues like Tao Geoghegan Hart (Bravo, mom always deserves to be thanked!) and compliments from numerous fans because his words can be encouraging for many boys and girls of all ages who live with the same disorder.

Copyright © TBW
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