Matteo Fiorin is smiling again. With two victories in the Gran Premio Novo Mesto on the track, in Slovenia, the Brianza native has regained his condition and morale to be a protagonist. It was last February when Fiorin, while racing the Gran Premio città di Misano Adriatico for amateurs, crashed heavily to the ground, fracturing his left collarbone. After a long convalescence, Matteo had to slow down further for his high school exams, which led him to graduate from the Sports High School (now he attends the Online University with a Sports Sciences major). The path has been long, and in the end, Fiorin managed to return to racing with his MBHBank Colpack Ballan CSB. But misfortune played him another bad trick: on August 4th in Piove di Sacco, in the Padua area, he fractured his left collarbone again. "It has been a difficult process, but I always remained positive," said Matteo, born in 2005 from Baruccana di Seveso. "In cycling, the important thing is to get back up, and that's what I'm doing. I started racing again this December, first in Switzerland and then immediately in Slovenia. And the sensations, especially in Slovenia, were excellent. I won two events, but what matters is that the worst is over, and I'm confident about the future." In Novo Mesto, Fiorin won the Elimination race ahead of local rider Zak Erzen from Cycling Team Friuli Victorious and Austrian Tim Walfer, while he conquered the Madison paired with fellow Italian Matteo Donegà, beating the local idols Nejc Peterlin and Zak Erzen.
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