BOOKS | 30/12/2024 | 08:15
di Marco Pastonesi
From Florence to Rome by bicycle, it can be done: 446 km, eight stages, mostly on asphalt, through secondary roads, cycle routes and bike paths. The Arno and the Tiber, the mountain grand prix at Passo Croce Vecchia (1200 meters altitude), the Francigena and Amerina routes, Romanesque parish churches and the Faliscan countryside: it could be a good idea for 2025, how could we not have thought of it before.
The first Giro d'Italia had thought of it. It was 1909. The fifth of the eight stages was drawn from Rome to Florence, taking the Cassia road, the kilometers were 346 and a half, won by Luigi Ganna from Varese, who would also be the overall classification winner (back then races were scored by points, not time). And before the first Giro, four Roman cyclists rode to the starting line in Milan by bike, on that same road, due to lack of money. Six hundred kilometers, in two stages, the first from Rome to Florence, the second from Florence to Milan, first the Cassia, all up and down, then the Emilia road, straight and dusty. The four managed as best they could. In Tuscany, something happened that they defined, by way of justification, as "inevitable". At the end of a hearty lunch, because you can't pedal on an empty stomach, the four started an animated discussion about who among them should pay. Seeing that an agreement was impossible, they asked the innkeeper to be the starter of a particular sprint: the last one would go to the cash register. Proud at least as much as naive, the innkeeper lowered the napkin and gave the start to the challenge, only to realize that the four had no intention of turning back. And so it was. One of the four, Dario Beni, would later win the first and last stage of the Giro.
A century (and then some) later, Simone Frignani retraced the Rome-Florence route by bicycle, but in reverse, because all roads lead more to Rome than to Florence, and he wrote a guide, which is also somewhat of a diary, and which is also somewhat of a manual (Terre di Mezzo, 120 pages, 16 euros). From Florence to Vallombrosa (41.1 km), from Vallombrosa to Subbiano (55.1), from Subbiano to Città di Castello (50.2), from Città di Castello to Assisi (75.8), from Assisi to Todi (54.7), from Todi to Orte (52.5), from Orte to Campagnano (69.7) and from Campagnano to Rome (47). For each stage, Frignani indicates maps, altimetry, elevation gain, a difficulty rating, information on transportation, services, assistance and hospitality, road directions and some tourist notes. Plus in-depth insights and curiosities. Well knowing that it can take more or less time, depending on the vacation, the company, desires, and weather.
The truth is that by bicycle you can go anywhere. Even where, by instinct, it would now seem impossible. And so, even from Florence to Rome by bicycle. Which can be done, which perhaps should be done. Happy 2025.

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