NEWS | 19/12/2024 | 08:05

At the press room of the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, the presentation of the collaboration agreement between the Italian Cycling Federation and the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy took place. The agreement aims to promote sustainable mobility and bicycle tourism through joint initiatives, such as creating cycle tourism routes, awareness activities in schools, and sporting events.

The event was attended by Fiorello Primi, president of the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy, Gianantonio Crisafulli, federal councilor of FCI, and Carlo Pasqualini, responsible for the Bike Hospitality project of the same Federation. Also present were Hon. Virginio Caparvi, Deputy of the Italian Republic, and Hon. Roberto Pella, vice president of ANCI and president of the Professional Cycling League.

The agreement marks an important step towards enhancing the Italian territory, with a focus on sustainability and accessibility for those who use bicycles as a privileged means of exploring our country.

"Thanks to the signing of this important agreement," declares Fiorello Primi, President of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy, "the Association wants to proceed more effectively towards the path of sustainability understood as an improvement in the living conditions of local communities, which are fundamental for the conservation of small villages. Encouraging soft mobility is an essential step in the strategy of a tourist development of villages that is sustainable from an environmental, economic, and social perspective."

Gianantonio Crisafulli: "The Bike Hospitality project represents an opportunity to broaden the Federation's perspective beyond the simple competitive element. It offers a concrete work opportunity for many of the figures trained by the Federation in recent years."

Cordiano Dagnoni: "The Bike Hospitality project allows the Federation to be a protagonist in themes such as tourism, sustainability, and enhancement of our country's excellence. Just today, in conjunction with the presentation of this agreement, the Marca Trevigiana has obtained an important international recognition, the UCI Bike Region Label, which rewards the vocation of that territory not only in the sports field but in all activities related to the world of bicycles. The agreement with the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy moves in this direction, contributing to growing a culture that places the bicycle at the center of projects by Institutions and Local Administrations."

The Association of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy was founded in 2002 within the Tourism Consultation of ANCI with the aim of enhancing and promoting the great heritage of history, art, and culture present in small Italian centers. It includes over 370 selected and certified Villages with a procedure itself certified ISO9001 and which are the expression of Beauty and charm of which Italy is a world leader.

In the photo, from left: Hon. Virginio Caparvi, President Fiorello Primi, Federal Councilor Gianantonio Crisafulli, and Carlo Pasqualini, responsible for the Bike Hospitality project.

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