INTERVIEW | 18/12/2024 | 08:23
di Patrick Iannarelli

In 2015 the incredible victory in the Vuelta a España, a great exclamation point in the middle of his career. Then retirement at a very young age, at 31, after the ordeal due to the constriction of the iliac artery in his left leg, a problem that makes you "go at 50%", a percentage you can't afford if you're a leader like Fabio Aru.
But no regrets for the former Astana and especially UAE Emirates, the team where he saw Tadej Pogačar born and grow. The Vuelta won at 25, an incredible success.
What moment was that?
"It came after a series of good performances, let's say that from 2014 I had started to rank in the grand tours because I finished third in the Giro, fifth in the Vuelta in the same year with a very high-level field, battling with Contador, Rodriguez, Valverde, Froome... ten years ago at that age (24 years old, ed.) having such results was not usual, now we see guys like Evenepoel and Pogačar going strong already at 20 years old. It was a very important success because in the same year I finished second in the Giro, both results were confirmation of a constant growth especially in stage races".
Grand tours wear you down mentally as well. When did you realize you had won that Vuelta?
"It was very hard-fought. Until the penultimate stage I was six seconds behind Dumoulin, then the intention of the entire team was to make the penultimate stage harder than it might have seemed on paper. On the Morcuera we set a strong pace, Dumoulin took a few meters. It was definitely an excellent team work made possible by the fact that we all had good condition. It was a combination of things that made the result possible, Astana was a strong team, there were Landa, Nibali, there were many athletes of a good level, this made these results possible".
In your opinion, what has changed in cycling?
"I'll tell you the truth, in my early years I would have liked to have the technical knowledge and information that athletes have now, they are already followed very specifically from a young age. It's not that these things weren't done before, it's not that they were eating french fries every day, but there was a bit more lightness, you ate a bit by feeling, now athletes are followed all year from this point of view. The research of materials, aerodynamics has raised the level quite a bit, I would have liked to have this knowledge, but cycling was like this, it's logical that year after year there are changes, I hope this can ensure that athletes don't get tired too early, I retired at 31 relatively young, there are guys that I wouldn't want to get tired too soon".
Did you regret stopping?
"No absolutely not, I didn't regret it, I lived the last few years a bit troubled, I had a very important physical problem, an obstruction of an artery makes your leg not work at 100% but under stress you have 50% less strength. When an athlete has a leadership role and must perform at the maximum even with 10% less you risk having problems. Absolutely no regrets, then there's a lack of information regarding post-career life, we live a bit in a bubble, we can't know what the future will hold. I got right on track, I'm working hard, it's better to be prepared".
What are you doing right now?
"I'm much more on the PC compared to before, this is a bit of a negative side in the sense that I like being outdoors (laughs, ed.). Between emails and video calls we're all used to these rhythms. I collaborate with various companies in the sector like Specialized, Enervit, Forte Village, I do events. I follow my Fabio Aru Academy based in Sardinia with great commitment, I have about fifty kids, we are about ten staff members: my dream is to see a young Sardinian athlete at the highest levels. Anyway, I keep myself very busy, I'm not a person who can stay still. I try to do sports too".
Returning to Pogačar, you saw him born and grow. What kind of rider is he? Can you tell us an anecdote?
"Tadej is a great rider, what he is demonstrating shows a bit the caliber of the athlete we have in front of us. I saw him up close, I remember his first year as a professional in 2019, in the first race in Australia he finished in the top 20. At the Tour of Algarve we were roommates, he won his first stage and the overall classification. He finished third in the Vuelta, certainly not known today, he is constantly growing, I think he is the only active athlete capable of winning Sanremo and Roubaix, he's missing the Vuelta but it won't be difficult for him to take it home. In my view, in general, I believe he is the strongest ever. Congratulations to him. Then he remained a humble guy".
Can Evenepoel be the true antagonist of Pogačar?
"Remco is very strong in time trials and not only, he is growing well, I see Tadej as a bit more complete. I hope he can get closer and closer to Tadej's level so that there can always be this rivalry between the two".
How do you see Tiberi instead?
"He had a great Giro d'Italia this year, I hope he can do well also for the Italian colors. There's also Pellizzari, he also had a good Giro".
What happened to Italian cycling?
"Well, you know, there are eras, preparation is not enough, talent is important. Italy has had very talented riders like Nibali, Basso, but also many others. Now we have Ganna for time trials, for stage races we don't have anyone yet, we hope in Tiberi or someone else".

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Aru in parte inespresso
18 dicembre 2024 11:27 Bullet
Grande promessa per i grandi giri e in parte tale è rimasta, visto al giro della Valle d'Aosta ed aveva veramente un bel talento. Ha trovato sulla sua strada nella stessa squadra anche un fenomeno quando lui doveva rilanciarsi e questo certo non lo ha sicuramente aiutato. Quello che non mi piaceva molto ero lo stile in piedi molto scomposto e poi quell'attacco a Froome in maglia tricolore quando ebbe il problema meccanico, quello proprio non mi piacque ma ormai è passato e spero che anche lui possa dare un contributo al nostro ciclismo anche in palcoscenici più importanti come si vede già fare a Nibali. Aggiungo che neanche le parole di Saronni dette pubblicamente mi sono mia piaciute perché poteva tenerle tra le mura della squadra.

é un vero peccato
18 dicembre 2024 12:49 Leonk80
che non gli abbiano risolto il problema all'arteria.

18 dicembre 2024 18:04 CarloBike
Alla fine, strappato il contratto buono, si e' arenato.
E non credo sia solo per l'arteria.

19 dicembre 2024 00:47 ciclomanix
9 milioni in 3 anni, mica pizza e fichi. Forse si e' sentito gia' appagato (o strapagato).

Ma possibile
19 dicembre 2024 15:15 Greg1981
Ma possibile che non si riesca a fare 1 intervista 1, senza infilarci dentro Pogacar ? Caspita, ha parlato della sua carriera e di cosa fa ora. A cosa serve fare 1/3 di articolo su Pogacar ?

Hai dimenticato i tuoi dati, clicca qui.
Se non sei registrato clicca qui.

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