NEWS | 16/12/2024 | 08:13
di Mariangela Codenotti
Sixty years of activity truly represent a great milestone, and Delio Gallina, an eclectic Brescia entrepreneur in love with bicycles, has achieved it with his company, "The best to drink Delio Gallina 1964". At the Villa Aurora restaurant, in So-iano, on the shores of Lake Garda, De-lio Gallina gathered all his management staff and employees to celebrate the event: a convivial evening lived in the spirit of friendship that highlighted the company's history and excellence and the perfect harmony that reigns within it.
A visibly emotional Gallina patron awarded and thanked representatives and employees who have contributed to making the company increasingly prosperous and recalled his story, which concretely demonstrates how with willpower and determination, important goals can be achieved. Gallina started working early in Switzerland as a carpenter, then as a driver in his brother's company, who passed away too young: upon returning to Ita-ly just over twenty years old - it was 1964 - he founded a company in Prevalle that he grew over the years until transforming it into an authentic point of reference for many. During the evening of celebrations for a very rich history, in which the sport of cycling lived in parallel with the company, the future occupies an important space. The handshake between Delio and his son Marco - who made him a happy grandfather of twins Dante and Sofia and Maria Te-re-sa - effectively sanctioned the changing of the guard at the helm of the family business.
"I chose this evening to hand over the reins to my son Marco," explains Delio Gallina. "It will be a change that will happen gradually, but it is right to make way for the new. I have always personally believed in young people and even more so I believe in my son, of whom I am very proud. I am an incurable romantic both in work and in sports, I believe in solid principles such as willpower, seriousness, determination, and I have always tried to see the glass half full, because positivity helps you look ahead and keep going".
And further: "I confess that on the threshold of the 83 years I will turn on February 19, 2025, the work in the company gives me the same adrenaline as the first day, when I gave life to this adventure that year after year has become increasingly flourishing. And I add that this enthusiasm has led me to recently acquire another company that will make the existing group even stronger. On the occasion of the party, I awarded 45 collaborators who have worked by my side in these sixty years: if you say sixty years seem long, but looking back, it seems like yesterday that I was catapulted into this beautiful adventure that has given me great satisfaction and brought me to cut important milestones in work and sports. I was handed an "Company Certificate for Seriousness" and not only that, I proudly remember that in 2016 I was awarded the Brescia Sports Oscar Cesare Pettinari Prize for my sports merits: I was flattered especially because I received it in the presence of my son Marco, to whom I dedicated it. And I like to remember another award, we were at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Verona during the evening of honor of tuttoBICI and Cycling Real Time, handed to me by Gerry Scotti. Also in Villanuova sul Clisi, they awarded me for 50 years of constant commitment to cycling: these are truly gratifying recognitions, to which I add the tribute paid to me by Team Rodella that aired a special on Teletutto in the famous program Cycling Today, with the interview conducted by Mad-dalena Damini that allowed me to tell my entire story".
Finally, a conclusion in full "Delio Gallina style": "Dear friends, I can tell you that I would do everything I have done again. The only regret is the advancing age because I still have many ideas in mind to realize and... you'll see that I will succeed in realizing them".

photos by Silvano Rodella

Copyright © TBW
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di Mariangela Codenotti
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