SOCIETA' | 13/12/2024 | 07:50
di Francesco Coppola
It was a beautiful and significant ceremony that the Unione Ciclistica Mirano organized on Sunday, December 8th to celebrate the closing of 2024 and award its riders, technicians, managers, and sponsors, which took place at the Restaurant and Inn "il Burchiello" in Oriago di Mira, in the province of Venice.
This extremely important event was coordinated by the association's president Paolo Mario Bustreo, who has led it for over 30 years and will celebrate its 57th year of activity next year, and was expertly conducted by former rider Mattia Garzara, with 180 invited guests in attendance.
Present at the ceremony were the Mayor of Mirano, Tiziano Baggio, accompanied by Municipal Councilors Damiano Volpato and Maurizio Salviato, and Olympic champion from Tokyo and Paris, Francesco Lamon, who was actually trained in the Mirano association. Representing the Federation was the vice president of the Venice Committee, Paolo Bassanello, along with legendary representatives of past cycling, Udillo Badoere, Bruno Carraro, Italo Bevilacqua, and friends from the Scaltenigo Sports Group.
Bustreo was the first to speak and thank the guests, stating: "It was a season that gave us beautiful satisfactions, even if we didn't achieve the results we expected. But regardless of this, we primarily reached the goals we had set, specifically those related to the growth of our athletes and preparing them to worthily face their future lives as champions, but above all as true men. A big thank you goes to the boys, their families, and the technicians who follow them and contribute to their growth and our dreams. A special thanks to our sponsor friends who help keep our society alive because without them it would be difficult to continue."
Mayor Tiziano Baggio then intervened, emphasizing: "I thank Francesco Lamon, who will be awarded in Mirano's square on December 22nd, which will be animated by many people. I thank the sponsors who are the people that allow us to carry out sports activities that are so important for our young people today. Continue to support us because we are talking about their future and the commitment they will have in life." "I'm pleased to report that the Gran Premio Città di Mirano was a great success," he said, "and we will do our best to realize the second edition in 2025 and are analyzing the possibility of reproposing the Night Race in the square, along with some other surprises we will announce. It should be noted that the velodrome works have been assigned, and I think that for next summer we will need to do design work for an facility that will become a reference point for the city and also for Veneto."
Francesco Lamon then spoke, having been awarded a beautiful painting depicting his great successes by Italo Bevilacqua. "I am honored to have belonged to the meritorious Unione Ciclistica Mirano," Lamon said, "which has always remained in my heart. I will never tire of thanking its managers and technicians for allowing me to become a rider and, above all, a man." The ceremony continued with special awards to friends of Gc Scaltenigo (President Calzavara, Vice President Luciani, Secretary Bustreo, and Coach Dal Corso) and then to sponsors of the Mirano club, Clara Bustreo, Gabriele Urban, Simone Fraccaro, Marino Tognolo, Nicoletta and Nando Apuzzo, Maurizio Simionato, Paolo Guerciotti and Mattia Antonello, past riders of Uc Mirano and members of various teams and their sports directors (Federico Capovilla, Claudio Venturini, Giovanni Lascatti, Sandro Bettuolo, Oscar Giacomello, Nicolas Apolloni, Gianni Damo and Paolo Garzara), and then the owner of "Burchiello" Giuseppe Burchiello, with an appointment set for the next season.

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