POLITICA | 10/12/2024 | 17:47
«Cycling is a great tourist and sports engine. And this is why the Professional Cycling League is increasingly implementing projects across the national territory. From agreements with the national Anci to those with the Magna Grecia Foundation or agreements with Cross-border regions for a common cycling approach, agreements with Pro Loco and allocations with municipalities to support cycling mobility, G7 works related to "Sustainable Urban Development". In short, we are talking more and more about bicycles and mobility, not just competitive cycling. And in this perspective, the Professional Cycling League is promoting many initiatives. Also thanks to the ad hoc creation of commissions capable of interacting with the territory and national cycling realities».
Thus, Roberto Ciambetti, President of the Veneto Regional Council, who in his capacity as Vice-President of the Professional Cycling League participated yesterday in Milan in the establishment of the commissions. «We have decided to establish Thematic Commissions which we now see as a fundamental step towards the consolidation and future development of the movement. Cycling in Italy is an immense heritage of values not only sporting but also social, human, cultural, and I am proud to be part of the board of the Professional Cycling League. We talked about safety and I want to remember that, with the approval in Rome of the New Highway Code, a fundamental passage for cyclists was also inserted. The obligation of a 1.5-meter distance from bicycles during overtaking, which for a long time was one of the requests of cycling societies and the bicycle world, to improve the safety of those pedaling, has finally been inserted and is now law. A great success not only for those training on the roads but also for those who choose bicycles as a means to go to work or carry out other activities. The Code reform imposes this distance where possible, while on narrower roads it provides for an "adequate distancing" for those, like me, who cycle as an amateur, which is a great success that unfortunately cost the lives of many people on their bicycles. From the act of establishing the Professional Cycling League Commissions, as a board we have great expectations for the components and their work. We expect new stimuli, initiatives, and programming to ensure that cycling can increasingly become an example for young people and not just the promotion of healthy lifestyles. With the joint work of the commissions and the enthusiasm of the new members, the Professional Cycling League confirms its determination to promote strategic initiatives and strengthen the role of Italian cycling in the international panorama and to resume that primary sport role in our nation that has given us great cyclists in the past, who have become heroes and true legends of world sport. Italian cycling needs to grow and become even more professional. And I thank the President of the Cycling League, Honorable Roberto Pella, a volcanic person with great organizational capacity, for the opportunities he is offering to our cycling. Just as I thank the Minister of Sport, Andrea Abodi, and the President of CONI, Giovanni Malagò, for the important insights into the world of sport offered yesterday during our meeting in Milan», concludes Roberto Ciambetti, Vice President of the Professional Cycling League.

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