CYCLOCROSS | 09/12/2024 | 08:25
di Francesca Monzone
The cyclocross world is showing affection for Sardinia and Filippo Pozzato after the cancellation of the cyclocross stage in Cabras. What was supposed to be a sports celebration turned into a gray day, with strong winds blowing at over 100 km/h from the sea, forcing the organizers and UCI to cancel the Italian World Cup event.
From Belgium, they want to remind that these are events that can occur in winter and that Cabras is not the first such case. On November 20, 2016, the World Cup in Koksijde was suspended, and all those waiting for Van Aert and Van der Poel returned home wondering who would have won that day. The year before, Sven Nys had triumphed, also due to the absence of the Dutchman, so the public was anxiously awaiting the clash between Wout van Aert and Mathieu van der Poel. Everything was canceled in Koksijde because of the wind that was blowing from the South at 110 km/h already at 10 in the morning.
On February 9, 2020, in Merksplas, an important cyclocross stage was also canceled due to strong winds, and no one knew that, in what would have been the year marked by Covid, the Merksplas race would have been one of the last opportunities to see the clash between the greats of this discipline.
There is the issue of canceled races, but one cannot forget the costs that can bring even the largest organizations to their knees. In Merksplas in 2020, the damages were almost 400 thousand euros, and in Koksijde, the figure was a hundred thousand euros higher. But in Sardinia, also due to travel, which requires air transportation, the figures range between 700 and 800 thousand euros. An enormous damage, considering that most of the funds come from local autonomies.
The damage is also that of the teams
that had to bear high costs for travel to Sardinia, which comes after the World Cup stage in Dublin, which also significantly impacted the budget of sports groups. "We have had people who have been traveling for weeks to ensure participation in both Dublin and Sardinia - explained Sven Nys of the Baloise Trek Lions team - This will cost us a lot of money for not having raced, but we know that we can do nothing about weather conditions and must simply accept it."
But the stories continue, and not in a positive way. "Regarding my team, we are around 1,500 euros per person, and we are eight, so calculating the total cost for the team is easy - explained Jürgen Mettepenningen of Pauwels Sauzen-Bingoal - But I especially hope that the Italian organization survives this hard financial blow."
The loss is significant, and the organization was in the hands of Crazy Wheels, a cycling club not far from Oristano, which had used the services of PP Sport Events, the event company of former professional Filippo Pozzato. The estimated costs would be between 600 and 700 thousand euros, and the damages will also be borne by Flanders Classics, holder of the UCI World Cup license.
"From a financial point of view, it will be a shared responsibility among the various parties - stated Flanders Classics CEO Tomas Van den Spiegel - There was also a fire in a building near the race area, but Italians are combative."
The contract in Sardinia was with the 1+1 formula, where an evaluation would be made at the end of the first race to see if it would be worth repeating the following year. All of this must still be discussed by the various parties involved, and they will have to do so after a storm that forced all bikes to stop.

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Costi veramente folli
9 dicembre 2024 13:14 Bullet
Costi oggettivamente folli che non capisco da dove arrivino visto che allestire un percorso di ciclocross non costerà molto immagino. Come già scritto ieri e a qualcuno non è piaciuto la tappa italiana è ancora tutta da definire perché la prima idea ormai è stata cassata e questa, visto anche la lunghezza della trasferta, potrebbe esserlo a sua volta.

Gia detto
9 dicembre 2024 14:09 lupin3
I soldi probabilmente arrivano dalle amministrazioni nell'ottica di un ipotetico ritorno turistico futuro, sia qui che in Val di Sole. Ai fini dell'evento in sé effetivamente le due location non hanno senso, vista la difficoltà di accedervi.

9 dicembre 2024 14:14 Stef83
Vuoi sapere da dove arrivano i costi?
Costi dovuti alla UCI per la tassa gara, costi degli ingaggi per tanti corridori, alberghi, montepremi da pagare, logistica, persone che ci lavorano(e non dura solo 1 giorno il lavoro per organizzare una prova di coppa).... Poi i costi a cui si riferisce l'articolo includono tutto,non solo l'organizzazione in sé per sé...

9 dicembre 2024 15:06 Bullet
Grazie, resta il fatto che sono comunque un'enormità confrontandoli anche con altre località come evidenziato nell'articolo.

Peccato, un occasione persa
9 dicembre 2024 15:17 Roxy77
Peccato per coloro che ci hanno creduto ed avevano organizzato un grande evento certo visiti i costi sarà dura riproporlo.... probabilmente non era la location ideale visto i costi che i team dovevano sostenere per arrivare sull isola .... mi sembra poi che più di qualche atleta top avesse rinunciato (almeno nel femminile). A mio modesto parere credo che le location del passato idroscalo o nel nord-est abbiano più senso

9 dicembre 2024 16:21 Cyclo289
A parte che le cifre sopra riportate erano di qualche anno fa, comunque sono convinto che organizzare una prova di CDM fra Belgio e Olanda costi molto di meno che a farla in Italia.

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