AWARDS | 09/12/2024 | 08:17
A packed "Vincenzo Savio" auditorium set the stage on Saturday, December 7th, for the Sportsman's Christmas, the traditional year-end event dedicated to assessments and awards that the Belluno and Feltre committees of the Italian Sports Center celebrate together. It was a highly participated evening: the first moment was the celebration of Holy Mass in the archdeaconal church, followed by the awards ceremony at the parish auditorium. Compared to the past, the Sportsman's Christmas had a novelty: it was the presentation of the first edition of the Belluno Sportsman of the Year award, a recognition wanted by Csi Belluno to give credit to those Belluno athletes who have brought luster to the local sports movement and who have distinguished themselves, at the same time, for their moral qualities.
In this 2024, the choice fell on Andrea Pietrobon, the professional cyclist from Pieve di Cadore who during the season stood out in two monument events – like Milano Sanremo (where he was the author of a breakaway of over 200 kilometers) and, especially, at the Giro d'Italia, where he constantly attacked, finishing third in the Lucca stage and winning at the end of the three-week race the recognition for the cyclist with the most kilometers in a breakaway and victory in the flying sprint classification.
"It is an honor and a pleasure to receive this recognition in Belluno, my land" said Pietrobon, addressing the many young people present: "To young people, I say to have fun doing sports and to love the sport they do, living every moment of the activity with serenity. Since I was little, I have done sports, trying to balance it with studying. My 2024 season? Certainly good. Obviously, I always try to aim higher, to improve. For 2025, I do not set particular goals but will give my maximum in every race."
Regarding the 2024-2025 activity awards, Csi Belluno and Csi Feltre awarded football and athletics, the two areas in which they primarily operate. For football, a recognition was given to the three societies that at the end of the 2023-2024 provincial championships participated in the regional phases: Sottocastello, Cral Farrese, and San Vittore.
A special recognition went to Maurizio Comiotto, who has been working for years in the technical commission of Csi Belluno. Regarding athletics, the athletes and societies protagonists of the 26th Provincial Cross-Country Championship, which took place in five events between October and December, were awarded: Valle di Cadore, Nemeggio di Feltre, Lamon, Santa Giustina, and Bribano di Sedico. The Provincial Championship saw the success in the overall society ranking (Sportway Trophy) of La Piave 2000 ahead of Astra Quero and Gs Castionese. In the youth ranking (Serafino Barp Memorial), La Piave 2000 again prevailed ahead of Polisportiva Santa Giustina and Gs Castionese. Below are the individual winners. Cuccioli: Claudia Cetta (Pozzale) and Mattia Santin (Caprioli San Vito). Beginners: Chiara De Nard (Atletica Lamon) and Roberto Moino (Enal Villaga). Boys: Nina Cima (La Piave 2000) and Samuele Bogno (Astra). Cadets: Anna Castellaz (Virtus Nemeggio) and Mario Burigo (La Piave). Special: Rudy Malacarne. Juniors: Alessia Miniutti (Astra Quero) and Davide Maccagnan (La Piave 2000).
Youth: Silvia Buogo (Santa Giustina), Naike Bergamo (Aquilotti Pelos), and Davide Fantinel (Atletica Lamon). Seniors: Francesca Comiotto (La Piave 2000) and Mattia De Barba (Modesto Team). Amateurs A: Manuela Bulf (Agordina) and Diego Viel (Castionese). Amateurs B: Sabrina Boldrin (Cortina) and Gianpietro Barattin (Castionese). Veterans A: Monica Dal Molin (Agordina) and Hamid Nfafta (Astra Quero). Veterans B: Angelina Castaldo (Virtus Nemeggio) and Luigi Bortoluzzi (Gs Castionese). "We are two numerically small committees that know how to propose a substantial activity for both children and adults" emphasized Cinzia Lusa, president of Csi Feltre, and Ilario Tancon, president of Csi Belluno. "We have concluded a year very rich in events – the Open and Over football tournaments, the Lattebusche Snow Circuit, the Provincial and Cadorino Athletics Criterium – and for 2025 we are expected to organize the National Cross-Country Championship that will take place in Mel at the beginning of April."

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