POLITICS | 08/12/2024 | 08:30
di Massimo Lagomarsino
In recent years, Val Fontanabuona has risen to the headlines in the world of cycling, but no one would have ever expected that two "fontanini" would be competing for the presidency of the Ligurian F.C.I. Committee.
Yet, on Saturday, December 14th, the societies that will go to the polls during the regional congress to be held in Recco will have to choose between Roberto Portunato and Luca Raggio.
It's difficult to make predictions and understand who might prevail. Portunato, a retired carabiniere and president of Velo Val Fontanabuona, has been in the spotlight of the cycling world for several years. He started with an important amateur team that brought many young riders to professionalism, first and foremost the Colombian Santiago Buitrago. For some years, he has been dedicated to organizing races, notably the Valfontanabuona Cyclocross Grand Prix and the Milano-Rapallo, which this year has been restored to its former glory. Currently, he holds the position of councilor in the Regional F.C.I. Committee.
Different is the story of Luca Raggio, who after some good seasons among amateurs, turned professional in 2018 with Wilier Triestina. In 2020, the tragic year of the pandemic, he raced with D'Amico, a team where Portunato was a manager. After ending his competitive career, he dedicated himself to young cyclists, assembling a group of cyclists who are doing very well in the minor categories under the banner of the Più Sport Levante team from Chiavari.
No one would have ever expected that two "fontanini" would be contesting the presidency. Both, although at separate tables, were present at the dinner organized by U.S. Pontedecimo on Friday evening. One thing is certain, despite some absolute value cyclists such as Lorenzo Mark Finn and Andrea Racagni Noviero, both coincidentally from the Levante area, Ligurian cycling is not in good waters. The commissioning of President Sandro Tuvo is proof of this.
The reasons can be found in the funding provided this year by the Municipality of Genoa for organizing the Italian Junior Road Championship and the Appennino Marathon within the context of Genoa 2024 European Capital of Sport. The Genoa Bike society, organizer of the two races, would have benefited, with its president being Tuvo's wife and with his children present in the board of directors. In this regard, "serious management irregularities of the Liguria Regional Committee" would have emerged, as highlighted by report no. 49 of 21/11/2024 by the FCI Board of Auditors.

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