APPROFONDIMENTI | 04/12/2024 | 13:30
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Yesterday, the two-time Olympic champion Remco Evenepoel was a victim of dooring while training. This is the correct headline of the news that quickly spread around the world from Belgium yesterday. The king of Paris 2024, who this summer won gold medals in both the time trial and road cycling events, ended up in the hospital because of a car door opened without looking by someone driving a van. A frequent episode that unfortunately our press has reported using the narrative of the "cyclist who crashes into a van", who "gets under a truck", who "goes against a car" or, at best, is the protagonist of a simple accident.

The Italian Professional Cyclists Association, which recently celebrated the introduction of the one-and-a-half-meter safe overtaking distance in the highway code, has today written to the Order of Journalists to ask the press for greater attention in describing events like the one brought to light by the Belgian champion, which represent a daily risk for bicycle users. Dooring, as it is called when someone opens a car door without checking and a cyclist becomes a victim, is a danger that has caused numerous falls. The latest victim we know of was Francesco Caputo, who died in Milan at 35 years old. In that case too, the fault of the fatal impact was not the cyclist's but that of the motor vehicle driver who opened the door abruptly without paying attention. However, the headlines of websites and newspapers were of this kind: "cyclist crashes into an open door", "cyclist ends up against a car door", "cyclist hits open door and flies onto the asphalt". The blame is attributed to the vulnerable road user, to the cyclist who went against the door and did not avoid it, to the victim and not the perpetrator.

Given that when you are in the driver's seat, it is good practice to open the door with your right hand to look behind you and be sure you can get out of the motor vehicle without becoming a sudden obstacle for those traveling on the same road, actions matter, but words matter a lot too. How these episodes are told is highly significant. For this reason, cyclists of the highest category have formally asked the National Order of Journalists to activate and organize training courses to sensitize journalists to correctly report road violence, as has been happening for years with gender violence.

"We understand the speed with which one is often forced to work in newsrooms, but we believe it is fundamental to pay more attention to the choice of words and titles given to news. Italy is the country with the most deaths per kilometer cycled in Europe. We ask for the help of female and male journalists to spread a culture of respect for life that is more necessary than ever. Through their articles, the stories they choose to tell, and the way they report them in newspapers, on TV, on radio, and on the web, they can contribute to stopping the daily slaughter on our roads" comments ACCPI President Cristian Salvato.

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