STORIA | 04/12/2024 | 09:44
di Pier Augusto Stagi
He does everything with passion: yesterday a mechanic, today the head of his Systems Cars. But, if we must talk about passion, the true and authentic one is only for the bicycle, which Ambrogio Romanò has always loved and loves. There's no unit of measurement that holds, the bicycle occupies a privileged and exclusive place in his heart and mind. "Even when I was a young boy (born on May 8, 1966, ed.) I alternated work and bicycle.

At 14, I would wake up at 5:30 in the morning to train, then nine hours in the workshop," he tells with that mischievous smile and sparkling eyes like few others.

He started racing at 11, with the GS Medese jersey. Then with the Cabiatese jersey, he went through the entire path from beginners to juniors, when he then had to hang up the bicycle to continue working. However, he never forgot the bicycle. Among amateurs from '84 to 2022, he won 250 races. "Then my heart said enough, I had a bad heart attack and had to slow down the number of pedal strokes, then the passing of time and age advised closing the  more strictly competitive activity".

However, he never stopped loving cycling, quite the opposite. That is his territory, his cup of tea. Many sponsorships: from the Junior Nations Cup to Biesse Carrera, from our Oscars to Gs Alzate Brianza, from Rea Bike System Cars Coedil to Sanetti Sport Vigili del Fuoco, to Mendrisio, including the Lombardy Regional Committee and the provincial one.

"I established a collaborative relationship with President Pedrinazzi - Ambrogio recounts - and committed to providing 700 jerseys as sponsorship, in exchange for visibility on support cars and in regional committee events. Unfortunately, what was promised was not kept. In exchange, they gave us very little compared to what had been promised and agreed upon. This bothers me quite a bit, because cycling for me is just another way to unwind, to free my mind, to lend a hand to an environment that I have always deeply felt as mine, and that passion with which I do things, I would like to find it in others as well. Instead, I find myself having to haggle, and that's what hurts and bothers me the most. For cycling, I would like to use only my heart, leaving the emotional part in a corner, when I switch to the rational side it doesn't work. I'm someone who knows victories, but above all has learned from defeats, but this is hard to digest and frankly I'm seriously thinking of abandoning everything, even if with great regret".

Copyright © TBW
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di Pier Augusto Stagi
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