POLITICA | 02/12/2024 | 08:07
di Paolo Venturini
Regardless of how the vote for the new Provincial Cycling Federation Committee would go, this is an epochal change for the local cycling governance. After about 40 uninterrupted years (with the exception of Piero Bregoli's double mandate), Gianni Pozzani leaves the reins of the movement with a bit of bitterness because Paolo Zanesi, representing off-road cycling and especially opposed to Pozzani's line, is elected to lead the provincial movement, who instead supported the young Priscilla Bontempi. The results. The outcome of the vote was by no means certain, and Zanesi prevailed by 48 votes against the 40 obtained by Bontempi (1 null vote). A vote to be read as a desire for change within the Committee, even though the balance sheet presented by Pozzani in his farewell speech described a healthy movement despite the numerous issues that emerged in the four-year period, from Covid that interrupted activities and in some cases permanently canceled some races, to the disastrous sports reform (for small societies) that puts less structured ASD in serious difficulty. The numbers. The total number of registered members has slightly increased, approaching four thousand units, amateur activity continues with ups and downs, amateur categories (Under 23), Beginners, and Juniors are suffering, while Juniors are growing with the birth of new teams, off-road cycling in general between MTB and cyclocross is expanding, and the female sector shows renewed vitality. The only regret expressed by Pozzani was his inability to reopen the Montichiari velodrome to the public, although Federal President Dagnoni, present at the assembly, announced the opening of the structure with a dedicated management company for Christmas (hopefully this year's). In addition to electing the provincial president yesterday at the Capretti Auditorium of the Artigianelli in Brescia, the members of the board of directors were elected, which consists of Trebbi (the most voted), Botti, Giudicati, and Chiodi, but especially the representatives of Brescia for the presidential election scheduled for December 15. An open match, although Brescia, with Zanesi's election, seems to be aligning with outgoing president Dagnoni, while the group close to Pozzani is closer to the positions of Silvio Martinello, the main opponent. The seven most voted Brescia representatives for national elections are: Paolo Zanesi, Gianni Pozzani, Davide Trebbi, Matteo Pedrazzani, Luigino Rossi, Renato Moreschi, and Andrea Baruzzi.
from Il Giornale di Brescia

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