INTERVISTA | 01/12/2024 | 08:20
The president of the Italian Cycling Federation Cordiano Dagnoni granted an interview to the Ansa Agency on the eve of the traditional Giro d'Onore and the January 19 elections for the renewal of positions for the next Olympic four-year period.
"The balance sheet is extremely positive. If the value of a Federation is measured by the successes achieved and the numbers related to practice, these tell us that we have operated in the best way possible. Never before in this four-year period have so many medals been won. Even this year we are closing the season with over 100 medals to our credit, achieving this goal for three consecutive years. In terms of numbers related to practice, in 2023 we have returned to pre-Covid levels for both registered members and affiliated societies, while in terms of organized events, we have exceeded 4,000 in a single season. All this thanks to support policies for the territory (regional committees), societies and organizers, allocating targeted resources for specific projects and improving services for organizers through agreements with local authorities and institutions".
The 2023 balance sheet closed with a deficit of over three million.
"From an economic and financial point of view, the Federation is healthy. It still has a substantial asset (which allowed compensation for the deficit) and a reserve fund higher than that required by Coni. The additional negative deviation was generated mainly by higher costs for Paralympic activity and the Women's Giro, which risked being downgraded by the UCI. The surplus inherited from the previous management was the result of the exceptional Covid situation which, by blocking activity for two years, drastically reduced costs related to national team travel with higher revenues because, in addition to the unchanged Sport&Salute contributions, extraordinary Covid relief was added. Our task, once the emergency was over, was to relaunch the activity by investing resources in all sectors".
Track results, despite the lack of facilities.
"We have returned to the country a series of open-air velodromes: Crema, Bassano, Cento, Padova, Florence, the Turin motovelodromo, Quartu Sant'Elena and, with ongoing work, there are Ascoli, Monteroni and soon Barletta. The Regions Track Trophy was born, which allowed a national activity for about 1000 young people".
What is the status of the reopening of Montichiari and the creation of a second indoor velodrome?
"Montichiari will be reopened in a few days and delivered to basic activity. The project to make it the Olympic preparation center is more current than ever and the 4 million euros made available by the PNRR have been allocated precisely to this structure. The large administrative tangle related to the Spresiano velodrome has been untangled, not without difficulty and with great commitment from us and the institutions. We have resolved the bureaucratic knots that were holding the construction site still, found the necessary resources to start and initiated the process for a new tender that should launch the work".
What has been done to promote organizational activity?
"We have provided contributions to organizing societies to restart races after the Covid stop. In 2023 we allocated 500 thousand euros for the benefit of organizers, we have made agreements with Anas and Institutions to reduce organization-related costs and standardize procedures for requesting clearance. We have assigned two of the most important races in our calendar to a primary organizer (Women's Giro and U23 Giro to RCS), promoting their spread and thus protecting our heritage, we have normalized relations with Rai for the transmission of non-professional races by setting a clear and shared procedure that has allowed us to protect organizers and at the same time broadcast as many races as possible on Rai, guaranteeing visibility that only public service can provide".
The safety issue.
"The Federation updates race regulations every year: in this four-year period we have revised the training system and created courses for organization directors".
He has already announced that he will run again.
"The program wants to give continuity to a project and complete what was announced four years ago. Two strong ideas: the birth of national cycling academies for juniors, which will be like a sort of national Devo team and even more support for the base, providing contributions to the territory".
Funding for these projects?
"We have made an agreement for the next few years with Infront that will guarantee over two million euros per season in sponsor returns. An agreement that will be finalized in case of my renewal"

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Che dire...
1 dicembre 2024 09:29 lupin3
merita una riconferma plebiscitaria dalla base. Il mondo al contrario.

la realtà
1 dicembre 2024 10:07 PIZZACICLISTA
Abbiamo vinto tante medaglie in un ciclismo che non interessa a nessuno. Nel ciclismo che conta siamo in una parabola discendente da 8/10 anni che non ha fine. Il mandato Dagnoni un ha modificato la tendenza anzi ......

Ma dove vogliamo andare
1 dicembre 2024 10:58 Bullet
Non una parola una dell'attività agonistica in senso stretto ma solo numeri a profusione senza un contesto. Prossimi a diventare uno sport di nicchia, diciamo da circolo sportivo per pochi eletti, e come tale non centra niente con quello che è il ciclismo.

Risultati da record negativo
1 dicembre 2024 11:18 pickett
Nelle corse che contano.Nelle scemate siamo fortissimi.Magari perchè alle altre Nazioni non interessano,e pensano alle corse serie.

1 dicembre 2024 12:07 antonellodc62
Se quanto rilasciato in questa intervista dal Presidente Dagnoni risulta veritiero, non si può certamente muovere critiche alla presidenza. Poi è normale che si possa fare sempre meglio, ma questo è un altro discorso.

Siamo al tuo fianco Presidente
1 dicembre 2024 13:19 StediLucca
i numeri contano, e come se contano sia in medaglie che soldi a progetti specifici per l'attività. Come del resto la continuità alla presidenza per completare i progetti e il lavoro svolto fino a questo momento.
Sarà importante una squadra fatta di persone che conoscono il ciclismo a fondo e che si sono dimostrate attive nel mondo ciclistico in questi anni, vedi il toscanaccio fiorentino. I personaggi famosi, ex ciclisti, vanno coinvolti come uomini immagine per promozione del ciclismo. Se hanno interessi personali stanno a casa.
Forza Presidente, noi siamo al tuo fianco.

Numero 1
1 dicembre 2024 17:53 thered
Dagnoni comunque qualcosa ha fatto! Altri al suo posto negli anni scorsi, solo tante parole tante cene e poco altro.

Hai dimenticato i tuoi dati, clicca qui.
Se non sei registrato clicca qui.

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