LIBRI | 30/11/2024 | 08:12
di Marco Pastonesi
A bicycle. "Two thin wheels, a curved frame with the Edoardo Bianchi emblem, smooth wooden handles, a leather saddle with raised stitching". What a bicycle. "Even dismantled, she would have recognized it among a thousand: that was her mother's bicycle". It would become hers. The bicycle of the Italian woman.
Marisa the mother, Serafina the daughter. Upper-class Bari society, early 1900s. When a bicycle is a peculiarity, an oddity, perhaps a whim, still a scandal for a woman. And a risk. Marisa struggles to control it. Once she crashes into a small wall. She gets away with a few scratches and a bent handlebar. Another time she falls to the ground, hitting her head, and the consequences are more severe, after a moment of fainting, drowsiness becomes confusion, disorientation, nausea and headache, ultimately death.
The Italian on a bicycle is, however, Serafina. Who inherits the bike, who follows her father and emigrates to Chile, who interprets the bicycle as freedom and independence, as courage and will, who pedals to assert her personality and consolidate her autonomy, to pursue her dreams and fulfill her desires. She will succeed.
Pina Maria Rinaldi has written "The Italian on a Bicycle" (Giunti, 384 pages, 15.90 euros). A novel of another era, not only in its setting, but also in tone, momentum, plot, stories, and emotions. A cinematic or television novel, so much so that reading becomes seeing: the steamship from Naples transporting souls and destinies to America, the ocean voyage, Italian colonies, but also friendships and misfortunes that affect and characterize women and children, letters that keep memories and promises alive, an earthquake that makes houses and palaces collapse and revive spirits and existences.
And the bicycle? Protagonist until the end. It seems on the point of being abandoned by Serafina: "And I recommend the bicycle to you, dad, don't let it rust in the back. Take it for a ride sometimes, go to the sea and think of me". And yet it remains, survives, unites, because Serafina starts again precisely with it and through it, designing and launching a line of matching pants and blouses, dedicated to women to encourage bicycle sales for women. The ending? Happy, surprising, and cyclable.

Copyright © TBW
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