EVENTS | 27/02/2025 | 08:10
di Luca Galimberti

It was 1979 when Giuseppe Saronni won the time trial from Cesano Maderno / Milan and conquered his first Giro d'Italia, and it was 2008 when Marco Pinotti pedaled faster than everyone, covering the 28 kilometers against the clock between Cesano and Milan at over 51 km/h. Seventeen years have passed since the last encounter between the Pink Race and Cesano Maderno, and this year the Brianza town will embrace the Giro d'Italia again: on May 29th, on Corso Roma, the eighteenth stage of the 2025 Giro d'Italia will end.

"This is the first time our city is hosting the finish of a Giro d'Italia stage. We are proud that RCS has accepted our proposal. The Giro is a great opportunity and an important challenge that makes us proud. Today everything begins, the official countdown to the big day starts" said Mayor Giampiero Bocca on Tuesday evening from the Disarò Auditorium stage, during the official stage presentation.

Alongside the city's mayor was Mauro Vegni, director of the Giro d'Italia, who emphasized that the Morbegno – Cesano Maderno stage will be important: "Being in the middle of the last week, the stage will be highly followed from a media perspective. It's not a mountain stage, but thanks to two final laps of 12 kilometers each, the public present will be able to see the group pass the finish line three times, and people watching the stage on television will be able to admire the beauty of the territory". He then continued: "The Giro d'Italia is not just a sporting event, it's a moment of great celebration, and we care about making everyone experience this great celebration".

The stage on May 29th will be particularly special for Stefano Allocchio, who has been living in Cesano Maderno for many years. The former sprinter and current Race Director for RCS Sport, while illustrating the route and the final circuit in detail, thanked the Mayor and Municipal Administration for their support, emphasizing that he is very proud that the Giro d'Italia returns to Cesano (in 2021 the city had also hosted the start of a Giro Next Gen stage, ed.) and to see the entire community involved in the event.

Federciclismo President Cordiano Dagnoni, in his speech, highlighted the proximity of Cesano's citizens to cycling, emphasizing the importance of the Giro d'Italia not only on a sporting level but also culturally.

Paolo Mei, one of the official voices of the Pink Race and evening host, then involved four legends of our sport: Giuseppe Saronni, Gianni Bugno, Claudio Chiappucci, and Riccardo Magrini, who discussed through stories and technical analyses. Saronni, winner of 24 Giro stages, stated he is very attached to the last stage of the 1979 Giro d'Italia: "Winning the time trial starting from Cesano Maderno and also the General Classification of that year's Giro positively marked my career. At that time, my rivalry with Moser was just beginning. Francesco was the most important rider in Italy, and time trial stages were really numerous. In '79 there were four time trials, and I won the stage ending in San Marino and then the final one ending in Milan, it was truly a great satisfaction".

Another rivalry that characterized Italian cycling was that between Bugno and Chiappucci, a rivalry that transformed into sincere friendship. "Our rivalry was good for cycling, it passionate the fans. We tried to excel but we were always loyal and respectful to each other. About ten years ago we started getting along, and we'll meet again here in Cesano for this year's GiroE" said the rider from Monza.

Claudio Chiappucci is also very connected to Cesano Maderno and its territory, remembering: "In these areas I raced and trained as an amateur, I created my first family, I have many friends here in Cesano. I would have liked to race the stage with a finish in this city". To the microphones of tuttobiciweb, El Diablo added: "I believe the 2025 Giro d'Italia will be open and very spectacular. Let's hope to see an Italian on the podium".

During the evening, some of the collateral activities for the eighteenth stage of the Giro d'Italia were also presented. The stage committee, chaired by Giuseppe Fontana, already has photographic exhibitions, film and documentary screenings, walks, ecological bike rides, and many other events on the agenda that will lead enthusiasts to the great day of May 29th, 2025, when Cesano Maderno will welcome the Giro riders.

Copyright © TBW
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