POLITICS | 11/01/2025 | 15:56
di Paolo Broggi
Roberto Pella's intervention at the conference "Cycling is Possible" recently concluded in Quarrata (PT), which garnered significant interest for the concreteness of the proposals advanced, especially those already proceeding at the legislative level, given his role not only as President of Professional Cycling League but also as a Member of Parliament and ANCI Vice President with a mandate for sports, youth policies, and health. Let's highlight a passage that deserves attention. In such a delicate moment for road cycling, especially regarding safety, a never-before-presented proposal emerges. "First, let me thank the Government and all parliamentary forces, both majority and opposition, for sharing an initiative that I hope can become state law before the start of the cycling season". Indeed, the parliamentary process for approving a law (1976 Chamber of Deputies, proposed by Pella himself) to support the world of two wheels has begun at the end of December. This is a general regulation that protects all over 5,000 cycling competitions organized in Italy, which require a prefectural arrangement. This law perfectly aligns with Article 33 of the Italian Constitution, which promotes and encourages sports activities in all their forms, recognizing their educational, social value, and as an instrument for psychophysical well-being. It is a revolutionary regulation that could represent a significant step towards bureaucratic simplification, streamlining organizational work and allowing an important improvement for the cycling movement (in the past, Pella had already passed a law in 2022, thanks to which a single authorization is valid for multi-day races involving multiple regions). In this context, the Prefect assumes the role of coordinator and promoter towards local authorities, offering support to overcome administrative difficulties and thus providing ease and help to organizers and sports societies. With a view to international valorization of Italian cycling, the League President has also presented the Coppa Italia delle Regioni project, a national circuit unique in its kind, which finds no equals in other nations and made possible by the memorandum of understanding with the Conference of Regions signed by President Massimiliano Fedriga and shared by all Italian governors. The new Coppa Italia delle Regioni will be presented in February together with Minister Andrea Abodi and the Ministries of Family - Equal Opportunities, Tourism, Foreign Affairs, Transport, and Agriculture. "We are working to raise organizational standards and, at the same time, to find legal and insurance solutions that, through parliamentary texts, protect race organizers (better protections for organizers in light of recent events) and improve safety" - says Roberto Pella, who adds - "Moreover, before the start of the competitive season, we will close a protocol with ANCI and UPI. In particular, I have envisioned a regulation for those realities where youth cycling societies operate, to establish closing hours for secondary roads by municipal administrations. This would allow kids to train in total safety, without traffic, thus enhancing competitive practice. It would be a great benefit for family tranquility and serenity and fewer concerns for society managers. Practical and functional solutions are needed. As a mayor in my 5th term, I am pleased to note the significant impact that municipalities have had by joining Bici in Comune, a project resulting from my amendment of 14 million euros in the 2023 economic maneuver, which is garnering great interest: 4,000 Municipalities participated in the presentation webinar, with 2,000 submitting projects. It means we are sowing drop by drop". Pella has also identified cycling as an instrument for reducing healthcare costs for diseases like diabetes and childhood obesity. "Personally, I don't ride a bike, like many Mayors" - Pella adds - "but I consider this topic very important for us municipal administrators. The use of two wheels, together with sports like running and jogging, is an extraordinary way to promote sustainable mobility and healthy lifestyles. On this front, I have confronted the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara multiple times, whom I thank for his support, to further encourage bicycle use. Just think about how much children could benefit from cycling to school, helping families with purchases and involving sports societies in awareness through dedicated events." Pella has also devised a formula to involve cycling champions and former champions. "We want to commit, as Cycling League, to a major awareness activity, which will start in the coming months with the Coppa Italia delle Regioni. My aim is for the different institutional levels of the Country (Government, Parliament, Regions, Provinces, and Municipalities), in synergy with local ASD and the Federation, to be an instrument of revival. The great champions have already given me their okay for involvement. Young people need myths, and through myths, we can break through to new aspiring champions." Pella concluded by saying: "In these months, we have had great feedback, and for the work done, I will commit to ensuring that these topics can become reality."
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di Paolo Broggi
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