SCARPE | 10/10/2016 | 15:18
La Pro Cycling Team BAHRAIN MERIDA è lieta di annunciare di aver raggiunto un accordo con SIDI. I ciclisti del team BAHRAIN MERIDA inizieranno la loro prima stagione mettendo ai piedi le nuove Shot di SIDI. Si tratta di una nuova scarpa altamente tecnologica e veramente innovativa che sarà preparata con una grafica dedicata "Special Edition".
Oltre alle scarpe, i corridori del team utilizzeranno calze e copriscarpe Sidi.
Dopo la firma del contratto, Dino Signori, che ha fondato l'azienda nel 1960, ha dichiarato: «È con grande entusiasmo che stiamo iniziando a pedalare con la Pro Cycling Team nuova BAHRAIN MERIDA, una formazione che ha attirato grande attenzione sin dalla sua nascita. Siamo certi che la squadra ha quello che serve per puntare in alto e raggiungere obiettivi prestigiosi. Nel team troviamo atleti con i quali collaboriamo da anni con risultati fantastici; altri hanno già utilizzato calzature Sidi in passato, mentre con altri ci incontreremo per la prima volta. Le nuove sfide sono sempre stati una parte del DNA di Sidi, noi siamo pronti».

Da parte sua Brent Copeland commenta: «È con grande piacere che annunciamo questa partnership con un marchio storico: per noi è veramente un grande onore. Vorremmo cogliere l'occasione per ringraziare Dino e Rosella Signori per averci dato l’opportunità di lavorare insieme».

SIDI SPORT è stata fondata nel 1960: da laboratorio di un semplice artigiano che realizzava scarpe da montagna in pochi anni si è trasformata in azienda leader nel campo delle calzature sportive. Tradizione, innovazione e impegno fanno di Sidi un'azienda in continua espansione, con una concreta presenza in tutto il mondo grazie ad una rete di distribuzione efficiente su tutti i mercati internazionali. Non ci sono compromessi: della collezione Sidi Sport, tecnologia, prestazioni e design si fondono, perché i campioni hanno bisogno solo il meglio per puntare alla vittoria.

The BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team is pleased to announce its official shoes partner who has a long history in pro peloton: SIDI. Cyclists from the BAHRAIN MERIDA team will start their first season in a new team in special edition shoe made by SIDI named Shot. A new cycling shoe by Sidi is highly technological and truly innovative. A new partner has prepared a “special edition” graphics for the shoes named Shot, dedicated exclusively to the BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team with their squad colours. In addition to the shoes, the team riders will also be using Sidi socks and shoe covers. Management of the team and Sidi together enabled their cyclists for their launching season the most innovative shoe and due that expect from the cyclists to embed and continue victorious vision of the Sidi brand. After signing the sponsor contract Dino Signori, owner of Sidi who founded the company in 1960, and who still leads the enterprise said: “It is with great enthusiasm that we are starting to pedal with the new BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team, a formation that has been creating a lot of buzz since its inception. We are certain that the team has what it takes to aim high and achieve prestigious goals, both on a sporting level as well as in terms of image. The team will feature significant members among its ranks of riders and staff. Here we can find athletes with whom we’ve been collaborating for years with fantastic results; others have already used Sidi shoes in the past, while some others will be trying us on for the first time. Next to some already well-­‐ established champions, (particularly worth mentioning is Vincenzo Nibali), there are plenty of young riders who have been called upon to demonstrate their talent. And he added: ”For all of us, riders, staff and sponsors, the adventure of the Bahrain-­‐Merida Pro Cycling Team is getting underway. There is faith and enthusiasm behind this project. New challenges have always been a part of Sidi’s DNA. They represent a motivation to grow and improve. In fact, the major races, and the enterprises of champions performing at the highest levels, give us important feedback on our products and spur us to come up with new ideas and new projects.” Brent Copeland, General Manager of team Bahrain-­‐Merida commented the cooperation of a new equipment partner: ”It is with great pleasure that we announce this partnership with such a historical and important partner, having our cyclists ride in the most important races around the world with such a well known brand as Sidi is truly a big honor for us, not only as having a really professional image but we know the importance of cycling shoes for a professional cyclist and we take this decision very serious and that is why this decision was made to work with of the best in the business, our cyclists ride many thousands of km’s per year in racing and training in all types of climatic conditions and we want them to be at there most comfortable in order to make there work the most productive as possible, we would like to take this opportunity to thank both Dino Signori and Rosella Signori for giving us this opportunity to work together.” History of the SIDI SPORT Sidi Sport was founded in 1960 from a simple craftsmen’s workshop making mountain sports shoes, to success in just a few years. It was a rapid rise that in the 70’s landed the company as a specialist in the production of motorcycling boots and cycling shoes, which soon became the core business of the Sidi brand. Thanks to the passion, professionalism and innovative ideas of its founder Dino Signori, who still leads the company with the same enthusiasm as the first day, Sidi has been able to confirm itself as one of the leading companies in its sector on a world level. It is not enough to become number one; you have to continue working hard to stay on top. It’s the effort and sacrifice required in life and in sport that have taught Dino Signori to fight with the same guts and determination in the business world as well, transmitting these values to whoever has the good fortune of crossing paths with him and working by his side. Tradition, innovation and commitment make Sidi a company in continuous expansion, with a worldwide presence thanks to an efficient distribution network on all the international markets. There are no compromises; in the Sidi Sport collection, technology, performance and design come together in a unique solution, because champions need only the best to aim for victory and make it to the highest levels.

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