AG2R. Pozzovivo e Montaguti partiranno dal Down Under

PROFESSIONISTI | 07/12/2015 | 13:27
Alla vigilia del raduno che da domani al 18 vedrà i corriodri impegnatia  Gandia, in Spagna, la AG2R LA MONDIALE ha ufficializzato le prime gare stagionali di tutti i suoi corridori. Con i due italiani, Matteo Montaguti e Domenico Pozzovivo, che partiranno dal Tour Down Under in Australia.


BAGDONAS Gediminas (Lit)
Santos Tour Down Under (Australia) January 
19th to 24th
Tour du Qatar February 8th to 12th
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad (Begium) February 27th

Troféo Laigueglia (Italia) February 14th 

Tour de Provence February 23rd  to 25th

Classic Sud - Ardèche February 27th

GP La Marseillaise January 31st
Tour d'Oman February 17th to 22th
Classic Sud - Ardèche February 27th

Tour de San Luis (Argentina) January 17th to 23rd 
 Troféo Laigueglia (Italia) February 14th
Tour du Haut Var Matin February 21st to 22th 

GP La Marseillaise January 31st
Etoile de Bessèges February 3rd to 7th
Tour Med February 11st to 14th


BIDARD François

Tour de San Luis (Argentina) January 17th to 23rd
Etoile de Bessèges February 3rd to 7th
Tour Med February 11st to 14th

GP La Marseillaise January 31st 

Etoile de Bessèges February 3rd to 7th 
Tour du Haut Var Matin February 21st to 22th

Tour de San Luis (Argentina) January 17th to 23rd
Tour du Qatar February 8th to 12th
Tour de Provence February 23rd to 25th

DENZ Nico (All)

GP La Marseillaise January 31st
Etoile de Bessèges February 3rd to 7th
Troféo Laigueglia (Italia) February 14th

Tour de San Luis (Argentina) January 17th to 23rd
Tour Med February 11st to 14th
Classic Sud - Ardèche February 27th


GP La Marseillaise January 31st
Tour Med February 11st to 14th

Tour de Provence February 23rd to 25th

GP La Marseillaise January 31st
Etoile de Bessèges February 3rd to 7th
Tour du Haut Var Matin February 21th to 22th

GP La Marseillaise january 31st
Etoile de Bessèges february 3rd to 7th
Tour du Haut Var Matin february 21st to 22th

Tour du Qatar February 8th to 12th 
Tour d'Oman February 17th to 22th

Santos Tour Down Under (Australia) January 19th to 24th
Tour Med February 11st to 14th
Tour de Provence February 23rd to 25th

Santos Tour Down Under (Australia) January 19th to 24th
Tour d'Oman February 17th to 22th
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad (Begium) February 27th

GRETSCH Patrick (All)
Tour du Qatar February 8th to 12th 
Tour de Provence february 23rd to 25th

HOULE Hugo (Can) 

Tour du Qatar February 8th to 12th
Tour d'Oman February 17th to 22th
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad (Begium) February 27th

Tour de San Luis (Argentina) January 17th to 23rd
Etoile de Bessèges February 3rd to 7th
Troféo Laigueglia (Italia) February 14th

GP La Marseillaise January 31st 
Etoile de Bessèges February 3rd to 7th
Troféo Laigueglia (Italia) February 14th 

GP La Marseillaise January 31st  
Etoile de Bessèges February 3th to 7th
Tour du Haut Var Matin February 21st to 22th 

MINARD Sébastien
Tour du Qatar February
 8th to 12th
Tour d'Oman February 17th to 22th
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad (Begium) February 27th

MONTAGUTI Matteo (Ita)
Santos Tour Down Under (Australia) January
 19th to 24th
Troféo Laigueglia (Italia) February 14th
Tour du Haut Var Matin February 21st to 22th

PERAUD Jean-Christophe
Tour de San Luis (Argentina) January 17th to 23rd
Tour Med February 11st to 14th
Tour de Provence February 23rd to 25th

POZZOVIVO Domenico (Ita)

Santos Tour Down Under (Australia) January
19th to 24th
Tour d'Oman February 17th to 22th
Tirreno Adriatico (Italia) March 9th to 15th 

RIBLON Christophe
Santos Tour Down Under (Australia) January 19th to 24th
Tour d'Oman February 17th to 22th
Tour Med February 11st to 14th

New – Zealand national Championship TT and road race January 8th and 10th
Santos Tour Down Under (Australia) January 19th to 24th
Tour du Qatar February 8th to 12th

TURGOT Sébastien
Tour du Qatar February 8th to 12th
Tour du Haut Var Matin February 21st to 22th
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad (Begium) February 27th

Tour du Qatar February 8th to 12th
Tour d'Oman February 17th to 22th
Omloop Het Nieuwsblad (Begium) February 27th

Tour de San Luis (Argentina) january 17th to 23th
Tour Med February 11th to 14th

Tour du Haut Var Matin February 21th to 22th
Copyright © TBW
Tour Med ovvero Giro del Mediterraneo
7 dicembre 2015 23:27 Aquilia
Scusate, vedo che l'AG2R ha ufficializzato la startlist per il prossimo Tour Med, ovvero Giro del Mediterraneo.
Avete notizie in merito, perchè sinora è una gara fantasma, non compare nel calendario ufficiale UCI e ai vari account social è tutto fermo allo scorso anno.
Grazie per le eventuali gradite risposte

ti è sfuggita?
7 dicembre 2015 23:30 excalibur
ti è sfuggita la notizia de La Mediterraneen? parte dalla spagna e arriva in italia, dall'11 al 14 febbraio, hanno già ufficializzato le squadre, l'Uci la inserirà in calendario come 2.1

7 dicembre 2015 23:41 Aquilia
Si grazie excalibur, si ho letto la notizia in un blog di ciclismo spagnolo, ma non ci sono comunicati ufficiali e so per certo che almeno 3 squadre date per iscritte, contattati, i diretti interessati non ne sanno nulla e sono letteralmente caduti dalle nuvole

Hai dimenticato i tuoi dati, clicca qui.
Se non sei registrato clicca qui.

Arriva quando le ombre della notte sono ormai calate il comunicato ufficiale dell'UCI su quanto accaduto nelle ultime 24 ore all'Étoile de Bessèges - Tour du Gard. Un comunicato che nulla aggiunge, al momento, e che non lascia presagire alcuna...

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