Brammeier approda alla Baku Cycling Project

MERCATO | 26/11/2013 | 16:12
Matthew Brammeier correrà nella Baku Cycling Project. Il campione d’Irlanda è il sedicesimo corridore che entra a far parte della formazione azera.
Brammeier, 28 anni, è passato professionista nel 2006 con la DFL - Cyclingnews - Litespeed ed è passato poi alla Profel Ziegler e alla An Post- Sean Kelly. Da qui è passato alla HTC- Highroad nel 2011, alla Omega Pharma - QuickStep nel 2012 e alla Champion Sistema in questa stagione.
«Sono molto contento di avere Matt nella nostra squadra perché ci porta in dote un bel bagaglio di conoscenze e di esperienze e ci può aiutare a raggiungere il nostro obiettivo, vale a dire l’approdo tra i team Professional« spiega il General Manager David McQuaid.

Matthew Brammeier has joined the Baku Cycling Project for the 2014 season. The five-time Irish national champion is the 16th road rider on the team, and the final signing for the upcoming season.
Brammeier, 28, turned pro in 2006 with DFL-Cyclingnews-LItespeed, joining Profel Ziegler Continental Team for the next two years and An Post-Sean Kelly for the 2009 and 2010 seasons. From there he moved up to HTC-Highroad in its final year of 2011 and Omega Pharma-QuickStep in 2012. He rode for Champion System this year.
The Irishman has won his national road title the last four years, and in 2011 also won the time trial title. He also has an extensive background on the track.
“I'm very pleased to be bringing Matt to the team, as are the others, riders and staff. Matt brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from his years at HTC and Quick Step, plus his season at Champion Systems, a Pro Conty team, the level we are aspiring to in 12 months time,” said BCP General Manager David McQuaid.
“Matt is a guy who loves to ride his bike and in previous seasons has done that for others. Here at BCP, he'll have as many opportunities for victories as the rest of the team.
“I raced a little with the guys in 2013 and noticed straight away the great professionalism and good vibe within the team,” Brammeier said.  He and McQuaid “have been friends for a while so of course that helped me make my decision. I'm also good friends with some of the other guys on the team, Connor McConvey, David McCann and Jeremy Hunt are all good friends and I'm excited to start working with them and of course meeting all of the new faces over the next few weeks.”
Brammeier already has his goals for the upcoming season. “I have never won a GC at a stage race, that is something I would like to do. Of course I also want to try and retain my national title and have a strong  and consistent year for the team.”
In addition, “Hopefully i can pass on the experience I have to some of the younger guys on the team and help us all knit well together and really work as a unit. I really appreciate the chance the team has given me to be a part of what hopefully will be an ever growing project for cycling in Azerbaijan.”
"Being Irish, it's especially nice to welcome the Irish Elite National Champion to Synergy Baku and see the jersey in our design. Matt has won that title a record four times. Now with McConvey and Brammeier at the Championships next June, we'd like to fancy our chances against Nico Roche, Dan Martin and Co," McQuaid said with a smile.
The new signing gives the team 17 riders. Under UCI regulations, Continental-ranked teams may have 8-16 riders, but “shall also have the right to add up to 4 riders specializing in other endurance cycling disciplines,” such as track. Australia Luke Davison falls under that category, and will be considered a “UCI Specialist” rider, according to McQuaid.
Copyright © TBW
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