NEWS | 24/03/2025 | 08:05

A helping hand towards those fighting for life and a mourning armband to remember those who dramatically lost their lives doing what they loved most, cycling. This is the dual and important meaning of the second edition of the Solidarity Bike Ride, the event promoted by the Strong and Fast Cycling Club that, on Saturday, March 22nd, brought together a large group of two-wheel enthusiasts, athletes and cycling amateurs - including the multi-decorated Francesco Moser and the President of the Trento Cycling Federation Renato Beber - to reach the Rothoblaas headquarters in Cortaccia, in the province of Bolzano, from where the caravan began pedaling. From there, the group paraded along the Rotaliana Plain, reaching the Smorza Pizzeria Restaurant in Romagnano, the home of the CC Strong and Fast, after making a stop at the Dao Conad headquarters in Lavis.

The initiative, like the first edition from 2024, was promoted with the aim of raising funds for the Trento League for the Fight Against Tumors. This year, the memory of Silvano Janes was added to the charitable purpose, a versatile athlete who dedicated his entire life to cycling, who tragically died from a sudden illness last autumn while participating in the European gravel championships.
The deaths of the two young Trentino athletes Matteo Lorenzi and Sara Piffer, both run over and killed during a training ride, were dramatic and unacceptable. The entire caravan pedaled with a mourning armband to remember them, with the aim of raising greater awareness about road safety.

"With this initiative, we want to contribute to what I call a 'gentle revolution' - comments Alessandro Groff, President of the Strong and Fast Cycling Club -. We want to demonstrate to those who see us on the roads every day that we cyclists are not an obstacle, but that vehicles and cyclists can and must coexist peacefully on the roads, without becoming a problem for each other."

Solidarity and awareness. "Those who participated in our Solidarity Bike Ride - Groff adds - contributed to the fundraising for the Trento Lilt and did so by wearing a mourning armband, in memory of Silvano Janes, an unforgettable Trentino sportsman, and the two young Matteo Lorenzi and Sara Piffer. To them, and their families, goes our thought, to not forget and to remember that the issue of safety is important. We also want to reserve a heartfelt memory to Karen Demozzi and her family: Karen, recently passed away due to a dramatic road accident in Kenya, was a fan and supporter of ours with her company TecnoDue."

The Solidarity Bike Ride officially kicked off the centenary season of the Strong and Fast Cycling Club, founded back in 1925.
"The centenary year is dedicated to our historic president Silvano Dusevich - Groff concludes -. We want to pay him a deserved tribute for everything he did for our club and for the entire cycling movement, always with a special focus on solidarity and charity. A long season awaits us, also in terms of organizational commitments, starting with the new event on Sunday, March 30th, when in Cortaccia we will propose a multi-stage race for Juniors, with a morning line race and an afternoon time trial."

Copyright © TBW
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