EVENTS | 23/03/2025 | 08:07
di Francesco Coppola

Everything is ready for the presentation of the 30th edition of the Prestigio d'Oro Alè, scheduled for Tuesday, March 25th at the prestigious Bevilacqua Castle, in the province of Verona. The event, consisting of Challenges reserved for Under 23 and Juniors riders and their sports directors, will also award the 26th Gran Premio Direttori Sportivi Feltre Traslochi and the 21st Maglieria Antonella Club 88.

For the occasion, as the patron of the famous circuit founded in 1984 by Agostino Contin himself was keen to point out, the "Sympathy Award" sponsored by Wind Tex, represented by general director Elisabetta Gaspari, will be presented to RAI journalist Stefano Rizzato, who recently commented on the most prestigious races of early spring. "Competitions where he was able to - Agostino Contin emphasized - effectively highlight all the key moments. For us, organizers of the Prestigio d'Oro Alè, it will be an important moment to gratify Rizzato, also because he is one of us, a Venetian".

Moreover, three RAI commentators who will follow the upcoming Giro d'Italia, each in their own role, will participate in the evening. Along with Rizzato, Massimo Ghirotto, Giada Borgato, and Silvio Martinello will be present, and their attendance at the 30th Prestigio d'Oro Alè presentation will make the evening even more beautiful and exciting. "I want to thank and praise all the organizers of the various races for Under 23 and Juniors" - Contin emphasized - "Certainly, the combination created by Elisabetta Gaspari and Stefano Rizzato is truly remarkable".

It will be a highly anticipated event that has been prepared at the start of the season and includes various road events programmed by Contin, who has wanted and curated them since their inception in 1984.

The presentation of the Prestigio d'Oro Alè 2025 was realized with the collaboration of a pool of irreducible friends, and will also be an opportunity to honor Dr. Lucio Cordioli, a doctor and great, irreducible friend of cycling for 50 years.

"We felt the duty to mention the great commitment of Stefano Rizzato and Lucio Cordioli and present them with recognition for what they have done and will continue to do - Agostino Contin concluded - because they are two important points for our sport, and we are very grateful. All friends of the Prestigio d'Oro Alè give them a big round of applause".

The ceremony, which will be enlivened by musical pieces from the band "I Rodigini" and hosted by Mario Poli, a journalist from "Telenuovo", will be attended, among others, by Nazzareno Berto, former professional, and Professor Giuseppe Degani, creator and supporter of the Journalists and Professional Cyclists Bike Ride.

The participation of Alessia Piccolo, General Director of APG-Alè Brand; Maurizio Arzenton, Vice Mayor of Bevilacqua; the Presidents of the Veneto and Lombardy Cycling Federations, Mario Guerretta and Stefano Pedrinazzi, and those of the Provinces of Mantua and Verona, Fausto Armanini and Diego Zoccatelli is expected. Also present will be former professionals Nicola Minali, head of Scarpe DTM, and Renato Giusti, owner of Maglificio Antonella and supporter of the Challenge; Mattia Munari from the "Sicurone" security service; Francesco Rossignoli from "Pieffe Calze"; Paolo Negretti, owner of "Feltre Traslochi" and supporter of the initiative; Tiberio Veronesi, President of "Cantina Val d'Adige"; Roberto Iseppi, owner of the Bevilacqua Castle and Villa; Giulio Zenere, "Vittoria" Agent; Elisabetta Gaspari, General Director of "WindTex", and Manolo Contin, Administrator of "Maco Leather".

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