AMATEURS | 21/03/2025 | 08:15
di Gaetano Pecoraro

Simple, genuine, determined, with a clear vision of what needs to be done in 2025 to realize the big dream of turning professional: he is Andrea Alfio Bruno, Team Hopplà rider, already capable of standing out at the start of the season, finishing second at the GP San Giuseppe behind Cirlincione.

Reached by phone, the young man from Misterbianco (Ct) analyzes his 2024 with Team Sicilia: "I still have a lot to learn, I had a 2024 of sacrifices and in races I didn't achieve what I had set out to do. I trained, I showed up to races convinced of demonstrating my value, but everything vanished: I admit it was a tough year, where I really risked losing confidence in myself. That's why I sincerely thank Team Hopplà and especially Claudio Lastrucci for the trust they've shown me: for me, this is an important return that has given me new motivation".

One of the most beautiful aspects of cycling - and Bruno knows this perfectly - is that on the road, talk means nothing, proclamations and boasting are useless: everything changes when you need to take action, when you're called to prove what a rider is truly worth.

Chasing a new goal once again, a beautiful dream, requires great courage, the courage to invest in the present, the courage to believe in oneself, to think that every pedal stroke has a meaning and leads in the right direction.

Goals, we know well, only have value if they transform us in the end. The cycling we're experiencing now seems to be based on the opposite idea: it's thought that only the result matters, without considering individual growth.
Because victory is the only thing that counts.

Bruno is a rider who has always shown quality, it's not easy to find young cyclists like this, who always have a clear vision of the race, make few mistakes, move with ease in critical moments, are not afraid to take risks and put themselves at the service of their teammates: Andrea Alfio Bruno is a complete athlete with an excellent turn of speed.

Bruno, who turned 22 on February 4th, has chosen to be a cyclist, and whether he wins or loses, his identity will never change, since he has only one goal to dedicate to his family and himself.

Copyright © TBW
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