YOUTH | 21/03/2025 | 07:55

The training continues for the beginners and junior teams of Team Vigor, with training based on alternating between road, mountain bike, and mobility, with the aim of reaching the best condition ahead of the imminent seasonal debut on asphalt, scheduled for next Sunday, March 23rd, at the "50th Criterium" in Monaco.

The mountain bike race that was supposed to be held on Sunday on the Rossana course organized by Vigor, has been postponed to a date to be determined, due to bad weather.

Returning to the road, the club is pleased about their "little gem" Luca Gugnino, called up to defend the colors of the Piedmont Representative on Sunday in Lucca, at the "Coppa Cei", the classic season opener for juniors.

The juniors of UC Piasco are already in full activity, led by sports director Roberto De Filippo, the team born from the synergy between Vigor and Esperia, the two associations from the province of Cuneo. One of them, Alessandro Micolucci, entered the "top ten" during the road race held last Sunday in Genoa, where he conquered a flattering seventh place.

Also worth noting in the competitive activity is the participation of Dennis Solavaggione in the first-year beginners, Tomas Lantermino in the first-year juniors, and Jacopo Galfré in the second-year juniors, at the national mountain bike event held at Campo Chiesa near Albenga, facing numerous and qualified opponents.

But notable gratifications continue to be given to the society of Claudio and Silvio Mattio by athletes who wore the Vigor jersey during their youth. Multi-champion Elisa Balsamo won the prestigious "Trofeo Alfredo Binda" in Cittiglio in the women's open category, while the increasingly convincing Domenico Cirlincione, son of sports director Salvatore, won the "Coppa San Giuseppe" in Montecassiano, a national-level competition among under-23s. Finally, positive notes also for Pietro Mattio, grandson of Vigor president Claudio and son of Silvio, and a member of the Visma "cantera", who distinguished himself in Croatia at the Istrian Tour, where he not only supported the team but also raced as a protagonist. And today, a grand return to Piedmont is on the horizon for him, on the occasion of the historic Milano-Torino, where he will be at the start alongside many renowned professionals.


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