It is the moment in Tuscan cycling for the resumption of youth activities with the beginners and juniors categories (opening on Sunday, March 23rd), and with the first Sunday in April, it will also involve the youngest riders to complete the program. The first seasonal commitments for beginners (13-14 years old) and juniors (15-16 years old) are scheduled in Monte San Quirico near Lucca, while the Tuscan Championships for both categories are planned for June 29th in Pieve a Fosciana in the province of Lucca, organized by USD Montecarlo Ciclismo. The two Italian championships will be held in Friuli Venezia Giulia on Sunday, July 6th.
BEGINNERS: Particular interest is focused on those in their second year, who were already brilliant protagonists in 2024 with victories and placements, starting with regional champion Mattia Iacopi and his twin Niccolò. Other notable riders include De Stefano, Marini, Maffei, Cantini, Belloni, Martinelli, Staccioli, Di Salvo, and Brocchi.
JUNIORS: The first seasonal event will be a prestigious confrontation in the Giuseppe Cei Cup, with the presence of numerous athletes from outside Tuscany. Regarding Tuscan athletes, there are young riders making their debut and others with a year of experience already. The probable protagonists of the season include regional champion Lorenzo Luci and his teammates in Iperfinish, Agnini and Roggi, followed by Kolarski, Nieri, Kovatz, Pavi Degl'Innocenti, Fogli, Frosini, Scappini, Frosini, Gabbrielleschi, Mori, Menici (last year's second-year beginners champion), Gastasini, Cerone, Castrucci, and Cerofolini.
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