NEWS | 19/03/2025 | 20:00

In 2027, the 114th edition of the Tour de France and the 6th edition of the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift will kick off their spectacular show with a British "trilogy". The Grande Boucle, which has already touched English soil four times since 1974, is ready to expand its horizons with an adventure that will begin in Scotland. The peloton will spring into action in Edinburgh and will visit Wales before returning to England, covering a total of three nations in one Grand Départ.

The Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift will relive the experience of an international Grand Départ after the one in the Netherlands in 2024 and will be making its first appearance across the Channel.

The Tour de France first landed in England in 1974. It was a fleeting appearance consisting of a single stage on a circuit in Plymouth. Twenty years later, the Tour riders of 1994 marked the recent opening of the Channel Tunnel with two stages, one ending in Brighton and the other in Portsmouth. Great Britain has hosted two memorable Tour de France Grand Départs in the 21st century, first in London in 2007 and then in Yorkshire in 2014. In the summer of 2027, the race will take this relationship to a completely new level, exploring three of the four Home Nations. The Tour group will make its first incursion into Scotland, converging on Edinburgh to begin an adventure that will also take them through Wales and England.

The Grand Départ in Great Britain will be the first cross-Channel journey of the Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift, which has yet to venture outside continental Europe. It also sets the stage for another historic milestone, as this will be the first time both events will start together, albeit on different dates, in a country other than France.

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