PROFESSIONALS | 19/03/2025 | 18:08
di Giorgia Monguzzi

The emotion in Isaac del Toro's eyes is palpable, the Mexican from UAE Team Emirates Xrg has won a Milan-Turin race of power, but above all of heart. He can't believe it, he's extremely happy and says it clearly to everyone who asks him what it feels like to win a race of such historical significance and a true monument of Italian cycling. It's strange to think how fate wanted someone whose name recalls that "great Torino" (whose dreams were extinguished right here on that cursed May 4, 1949) to win in front of Superga, but he was certainly the most anticipated rider and did not miss his chance.

Isaac Del Toro doesn't follow soccer and is not a fan, but as soon as he discovers the story behind the Superga legend, he starts asking questions, wanting to know the details, completely struck by it. "Now I understand why this place is so important, it makes this victory even more special" he says with a thin voice before starting to talk about his emotion. "It's hard to say how I feel, everything was beautiful, I'm too happy. The team was with me, Adam Yates and Alessandro Covi gave their all to help me, it's not something that happens every day, it's an honor, especially to finalize their work, but I believe that beyond the victory, today I learned a lot, it's like a big dream that I'll always carry in my heart."

This morning at the start area, the Mexican's name was among the most quoted in terms of predictions, Richard Carapaz himself had told us he would be one of the most dangerous competitors and to be careful of him and the UAE team, which, in the end, worked practically perfectly. "This morning the plan was to make the race hard, I felt good, I was truly determined, it's a nice and strange feeling because it's not a given to wake up with this certainty. Moreover, having an idea is one thing, achieving it is another, but today everyone was feeling good, primarily my teammates, and we tried. In the finale I found myself with Johannessen and Tulett, one is more explosive while the other has greater endurance, I understood that if I wanted to beat them, the only way was to anticipate them" Del Toro continued, who thanked his teammates one by one, whom he considers friends, but also brothers.

Hearing this incredibly strong but only twenty-one-year-old boy speak is something special, his words are all directed towards the people who welcomed him to Italy when he was 16 and then made him the athlete he is today. It's the first race he wins among professionals in the Peninsula and that's precisely why it has an even more magical flavor, and he wanted to conclude with a bow made right under the finish line and directed to everyone, from Superga to the rest of the world. "I wanted to thank all the fans and cycling enthusiasts who welcome me and love me. I come from a very distant country and it's incredible to see so many people on the street applauding me, cheering for me even though I'm not Italian, Spanish, or French. I believe the magic of cycling lies precisely in its ability to reach everywhere, to create passion, to unite, it's not something to be taken for granted, especially for me who comes from so far away. Seeing all this reminds me again why I love cycling, I want to learn a lot and have fun" Del Toro says, reaffirming the love he has for the bike, which in some ways reminds one of Tadej Pogacar who makes every race a pleasure. "Tadej is a special guy, he's a friend and thanks to him I'm really learning a lot. He's an incredible athlete, in every race he manages to take on all responsibilities and give us such tranquility that allows us to face every race in the best way. At this moment, together with Ayuso, he represents the strongest rider in the world, he has an incredible leg and for me it's an honor to work for them".

And speaking of work... for Del Toro at Milan-Sanremo there will be a lot to do in favor of his captain, but if the leg is the one seen today on the Superga climb, we can say with certainty that the world champion will have a truly important card to play.

Copyright © TBW
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