AMATEURS | 16/03/2025 | 17:23

This year, the Gran Premio San Giuseppe was decided in a sprint with the powerful victory of Cuneo's Domenico Cilrincione from General Store over the combative Team Hopplà's Andrea Bruno. The sixty-fourth edition kept the numerous spectators in Montecassiano breathless until the final push along Viale Italia. After trying in previous years, the Verona-based team, directed by Daniele Colosso, finally managed to inscribe one of its riders in the honor roll, also securing third place with Giovanni Bortoluzzi. A victory crafted in the team car with the squad always ready to close down any breakaway attempt. The race started strongly from the first moments with Russian Vladimir Goncharov from the Spanish Pc Baix Ebre team breaking away for over 40 km. A solo effort extinguished by the group's return, led by Team Hopplà and Biesse Carrera riders.

The Brescia-based team tried to counterattack, first with Tommaso Dati, then with Filippo Agostinacchio. Both shook up the race's head, moving to the front without succeeding. Agostinacchio repeatedly tried to push on the uphill sections to increase his advantage, leveraging his physical strength, having notably secured a prestigious second place at the 2024 European Youth MTB Championships in Graz. The team tried to slow the group, but too many cyclists were eager to perform well in this race, considered the "Milan-San Remo" of amateur cycling.

The Mg.K Vis team of Maurizio Frizzo also built the race around its key athlete Francesco Parravano, still disappointed by last year's photo-finish second place. The Lazio athlete always tried to stay in contention, well supported by his teammates, but couldn't insert himself in the final train. The exhaustion from the many energies spent during the race prevented his revenge, and he had to settle for fourth place. In the 162 km race, through the classic figure-eight circuit, breakaway attempts were not lacking but were quickly neutralized by the group's arrival.

More than 10 attempts were stopped until the last 2 km when, launched by Matteo Regnanti, Andrea Bruno moved to the front. The General Store's response was not delayed, and a true duel was staged, culminating in the victory of the Piedmontese Cirlincione. This was his first seasonal achievement after an excellent sixth place at Coppa San Geo on February 22nd. While last year he had to wait until the season's end to score his first victory, with the splendid win at Gran Premio Colli Rovescalesi, in 2025 he has reversed the trend, and one can bet, given his excellent form, that more victories might follow. On the finish straight, Andrea Bruno no longer had the thrust, and in the last 500 meters, having fewer sprinting qualities, he tried to break away using the uphill curve, well covered by his teammate Regnati, who finished fifth, but Cirlincione had more energy.

In Montecassiano, there was no shortage of spectacle for the many enthusiasts present, including Mayor Leonardo Catena, Marche Cycling Federation President Massimo Romanelli, his predecessor Lino Secchi, and his deputy Marco Marinuk. All authorities congratulated the Velo Club Montecassiano led by brothers Enrico and Michele Bravi. Thanks to their commitment and that of many volunteers and sponsors, it was once again possible to enhance the city's prestige in the world of two wheels.


1 96 10030604793 985648F ITA 23/01/2003 CIRLINCIONE DOMENICO 04:05:06 GENERAL STORE -ESSEGIBI-F.LLI CURIA
2 2 10028970850 720760U ITA 04/02/2003 BRUNO ANDREA ALFIO s.t. TEAM HOPPLA'
4 125 10030075741 922491B ITA 17/12/2000 PARRAVANO FRANCESCO 00:01 MG.K VIS COSTRUZIONI E AMBIENTE
5 28 10031229637 A020873 ITA 05/05/2002 PALOMBA MARCO s.t. A.S.D. S.C. PADOVANI
6 3 10031229637 A020873 ITA 27/07/2001 REGNANTI MATTEO s.t. TEAM HOPPLA'
7 44 10030053311 919560G ITA 15/06/2001 CORDIOLI GIANLUCA s.t. ASD G.C. SISSIO TEAM
8 61 10030432318 967214Z ITA 13/07/2002 DATI TOMMASO 00:03 BIESSE - CARRERA - PREMAC
9 12 10031603388 A276083 ITA 30/10/2006 MASCIARELLI STEFANO s.t. ARAN CUCINE VEJUS
10 124 10029930645 902193M ITA 11/09/2000 CANTONI ANDREA s.t. MG.K VIS COSTRUZIONI E AMBIENTE

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