AMATEUR RIDERS | 16/03/2025 | 08:00

On Thursday, March 13th, Team Orogildo celebrated a special milestone: 25 years of history, effort, and passion, a quarter-century during which cycling has united generations of athletes and enthusiasts, consolidating a reality that is more alive than ever.

It all began in 2000, when a group of friends decided to transform their passion for cycling into something much bigger. Leading them was Gildo Turchet, the true beating heart of the team. Founder, leader, and soul of the team, with his tireless enthusiasm he managed to transmit to everyone the value of commitment, sharing, and sport experienced with passion. Thanks to his charismatic leadership, Team Orogildo became much more than a simple society: it became a family, a point of reference for those who love two wheels.

Over the years, the team has left its mark on the cycling landscape, organizing significant events such as the Veneto Trittico for juniors and the Friuli Tour for professionals, two appointments that saw collaboration with other societies and the participation of young talents and big names in cycling. Among the most ambitious initiatives, the Four Days of Brugnera, an event that until 2019 managed to unite sport, spectacle, and passion, transforming Brugnera into a reference point for bicycle lovers.

But the celebrations were also a moment of remembrance and gratitude. Many friends and teammates have left us, but their spirit remains alive in the successes and values that Team Orogildo continues to carry forward. A special thanks was addressed to honorary president Gianni Celotto, whose support and dedication have contributed to the growth of this reality.

After 25 years, Team Orogildo continues to look ahead with determination. Gildo Turchet's passion is still the driving force of the team, which today, as always, carries forward its spirit with enthusiasm and a desire to challenge itself. Cycling is not just a sport, but a deep bond that renews itself with every pedal stroke, and with such a united and cohesive group, the road ahead is still entirely to be traveled.

Copyright © TBW
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