WOMEN | 15/03/2025 | 13:40

Despite the intense rain, which has shown no sign of letting up since this morning, the city of Luino remains festive. The shop windows throughout the center tell of a cycling tradition with deep roots. Palazzo Verbania, the epicenter of the entire organization, is colored with the orange that characterizes the Cycling Sport Promotion.

Last night, in the hall of Palazzo Verbania, high school students from Luino presented a beautiful work that focused on bicycle safety. Above all, it showed the strong sensitivity that young people feel towards sustainable mobility in a world grown to fit automobiles. A positive message, conveyed thanks to the Municipal Administration and supported by the Scarponi Foundation. A sensitivity that promises very interesting developments.

Tomorrow, Sunday March 16, from Luino will start two highlight events of this first part of the season: the 26th Alfredo Binda Trophy - Cittglio Municipality, a UCI World Tour race and the 12th Small Binda Trophy - Verbano Valleys, a UCI Nations Cup race. Today Luino experienced the emotion that always characterizes the arrival of teams, their colorful vehicles, jerseys that tell of incredibly distant horizons, high-performance bicycles that fuel the dreams of millions of fans, and the joy that cycling brings to all events, starting with world-level competitions like these two races organized by Cycling Sport Promotion.

Unfortunately, the rain prevented the implementation of the entire planned program; the presentation of the athletes, for example, could not be confirmed, nor could the many initiatives for everyone programmed in Luino and Cittiglio for the eve. Everything remains confirmed for tomorrow, Sunday: "We were forced to postpone everything and it's truly a shame - comments Mario Minervino, president of Cycling Sport Promotion - we are extremely attentive to safety aspects which always come before anything else. The popular festival planned for today is only postponed and we will soon identify another date with the Municipalities of Luino and Cittiglio for local initiatives. But everything remains confirmed for the many events scheduled for tomorrow, Sunday".

This afternoon, preliminary operations will identify the exact list of participants in the 26th Alfredo Binda Trophy - Cittglio Municipality and the 12th Small Binda Trophy - Verbano Valleys.

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