CONTINENTAL | 14/03/2025 | 08:04

From yesterday until Sunday, March 16th, the Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna is a guest at the Hotel Adlon in Jesolo, thanks to the collaboration with A.S.D. Jesolo Team88 and its president Maurizio Pivetta, who also thanks the municipal administration of Jesolo. The Continental team, conceived by former national cycling team coach Davide Cassani, now president of APT Servizi Emilia Romagna, thus has the opportunity to train almost in full after a February that saw its athletes divided between the training camp in Spain and the competitive and training experience in Algeria.

The training camp is also an opportunity for time trial specialists to refine their technique and team spirit in preparation for time trial and team time trial commitments, a discipline for which Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna can count on an absolute excellence like Pinarello and its time trial Bolide bikes, a true added value in a team that year after year consolidates itself among the top teams in Italy.

After reuniting in Faenza on Saturday, March 8th, for an evocative and highly participated official presentation, the riders and staff have arrived in Jesolo, a privileged destination for cycling training, thanks to its tourist and sports offerings that can guarantee diversified routes suitable for every level of preparation, as well as specialized services for teams and individual athletes.

The Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna, founded in 2019 from an idea by Davide Cassani to promote the territory and youth cycling, has seen steady growth, bringing three athletes to professional ranks (Manuele Tarozzi, Ludovico Crescioli and Alessandro Monaco), obtaining 12 national team call-ups and collecting 25 victories, including a stage of the Tour de l'Avenir and one of the U23 Giro d'Italia.

In Jesolo, the team was welcomed with professionalism by the Hotel Adlon thanks to the commitment of Maurizio Pivetta, a key figure in the local cycling world, who continues to promote bicycle use and the territory, supporting high-level sporting events and realities. "We are happy - said Maurizio Pivetta - to host the Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna and offer them the maximum comfort and professionalism for this important training camp. Jesolo has a strong vocation for cycling, and welcoming one of the best Continental teams in Italy and Europe is a source of great pride for us, also thanks to the commitment of the municipal administration led by Mayor Christofer De Zotti".

After the first weekends of races in Italy with several top-5 placements, the last of which on Sunday, March 9th in Civitanova with Thomas Bolognesi, 4th in the sprint, the training camp anticipates a high-level racing weekend: on Sunday, March 16th, the team will be at the start of the 108th Popolarissima in Treviso with puncheurs and fast wheels, while others will tackle the challenging route of the Trofeo San Giuseppe in Montecassiano, in the Marche region.

The arrival of Team Technipes #inEmiliaRomagna confirms Jesolo as a reference point for cycling, consolidating the link between sport and territory and promoting the city as an elite destination for sports tourism.

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