EVENTS | 11/03/2025 | 08:05

An appeal for safety, a demonstration against road violence, to get "Back on the Right Road", to avoid mourning more victims - as recently happened with the deaths of young cyclists Matteo Lorenzi and Sara Piffer - and find a peaceful coexistence between drivers and cyclists. This is the profound meaning of the event that will take place on Saturday, March 15th in Trento, promoted by the Trentino Committee of Federciclismo and Fiab Amici della Bicicletta of Trento, who have found collaboration and support from many other associations, such as Legambiente Trento Circle, Acsi Cycling, Uisp, I Respect the Cyclist, Trentino Climate Network, Tridentum Bike and Ciclostile, not least the support of many Trentino professionals and former professionals from the world of two wheels, like Francesco Moser, Maurizio Fondriest, Gilberto Simoni, Daniel Oss, Alan Marangoni, Gianni Moscon, Nicola Conci, Letizia and Giada Borghesi, Mattia and Davie Bais, Mattia Stenico and the Michele Scaponi Foundation, as well as many Trentino societies operating in the cycling world.

Many realities that give strength to an appeal mainly addressed to political bodies, expressed today at the Coni headquarters in Sanbapolis during the presentation of the initiative. The program includes gathering at 3 PM in Piazza Duomo in Trento. Then a bike ride through the city streets, reaching Piazza Fiera, where there will be a moment of debate and discussion.

"This initiative was born from the appeal made to us by societies operating in the cycling world, by athletes and their families, recently shaken by yet another tragedy," commented Renato Beber, president of the Trento Committee of Federciclismo. "Last year that of Matteo Lorenzi, recently that of Sara Piffer, two young people who lost their lives doing what they loved most, pedaling."

Cycling is a sport practiced on the road and, precisely for this reason, a way must be found to allow the many practitioners to pursue their passion safely. "Our playing field is the road," Beber added. "We need protected structures for the youngest, to allow them to develop their skills safely. That's why we strongly ask, once again, for a cycling track in the city of Trento."

On Saturday, they will pedal with the aim of bringing to light a crucial issue. "We hope Saturday will be a peaceful invasion of the city of Trento, with the objective of defending the rights of the most vulnerable road users," Beber concluded. "Vulnerable, but not insignificant."

Beyond infrastructure, there is an increasingly urgent need to promote a culture of respect that, according to Beber, should be brought to driving schools and schools, why not following the example of the project already in place in Bolzano with the road education initiative "Pinocchio on a Bicycle", promoted by the local Federciclismo Committee, today represented in Trento by president Paolo Appoloni.

Projects to which initiatives can be added, as Beber recalled, such as "30 km/h zones" and the introduction of "bike lanes".

"The phenomenon of road violence concerns us all," emphasized Daniela Baraldi, president of Fiab Amici della Bicicletta di Trento. "When we get behind the wheel of a vehicle, it's a moment when we can potentially kill someone. We must create a cultural context of awareness, remembering that road violence is the leading cause of death for children and young people."

"Cyclists are also drivers, and vice versa, we must be a team in the name of respecting rules, which is one of the greatest lessons sports give us," recalled the president of Coni Trentino Paola Mora in her appeal for mutual respect.

"Answers must come from politics and traffic police," said two-time Giro d'Italia winner Gilberto Simoni, now also involved as a manager of Montecorona di Palù di Giovo and race director. "I've just been to Spain, where an entire world moves by bicycle. Despite the large number of cyclists on the road, there is great respect. Cars only overtake when conditions are necessary, trucks often don't overtake at all. Sometimes cyclists stop to let them pass. The radical change came when they introduced stricter regulations and, above all, traffic police began enforcing them. We lack precisely this. Rules must be enforced and made known."

Not least, there is the aspect of sustainable mobility. "Data in Trento shows that 50% of car trips are for routes under 5 kilometers, which could easily be done by bicycle, reducing pollution," explained Andrea Pugliese, president of Legambiente Trento Circle. "Why isn't this done? Many people say 'it's not safe, I feel safer in the car'. That's why it's important to make roads safer for everyone."

Appreciated were also the interventions of the president of Gs Alto Garda, organizer of the Tour of the Alps, Giacomo Santini (who proposed involving ACI, Automobile Club Italia) and the honorary president of the Trento Committee of Federciclismo Giuseppe Zoccante, who almost two decades ago had submitted the request for a protected circuit in Trento. "Many appeals that, so far, have led to nothing," Zoccante reiterated. "How can we promote cycling if we can't move safely? Just as every town has a soccer field, every valley should have a cycling track."

Copyright © TBW
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