PROFESSIONALS | 10/03/2025 | 18:20
di Francesca Monzone

Tim Merlier will hardly forget this day: the Belgian for the first time in his career has won a stage while wearing the leader's jersey.

A great victory for the European champion, who today won his second consecutive stage at Paris-Nice, after yesterday's success. "This is a victory I will remember for the rest of my life. I think it's the first time in my career that I've won wearing the yellow leader's jersey, I don't remember winning like this before".

The second stage of Paris-Nice, with its 183.9 kilometers from Montesson to Bellarge, was far from calm. "The breakaway riders decided to slow down and we had to give them some space and this forced us to control the sprint very early. Fortunately, the team did a good job as always and the result came once again".

Falls were not lacking and Merlier also risked hitting the ground, but fortunately managed to stay upright. "There was tension in the race and some riders fell in front of me, but luckily I managed to brake. Unfortunately, I was hit from behind, the wheel took a good hit and I had to change bikes".

With the help of his team, Merlier managed to handle the situation well and stay in the group. Not only did he avoid falling behind, but he was able to keep the leader's jersey and won his second victory. Tomorrow there will be a team time trial of over 28 kilometers and the Flemish rider could lose his lead. "Of course, I will try to keep the yellow jersey, but it will be difficult. There will certainly be other riders who will try to make a difference with their team, but we won't back down".

The third stage will start from Circuit Nevers Magny-Cours and arrive in Nevers. The route will be quite flat, except for the climb of La Chaume des Pendus after 14 kilometers from the start.

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