-in-piazza-del-campo-a-siena_vid2336602/embed-video.shtml' width="560" height="315" allowfullscreen allow="encrypted-media *" frameborder=0>

DIRECTOR'S RATINGS | 08/03/2025 | 17:35
di Pier Augusto Stagi

Tadej POGACAR. 10 and praise. Escorted by Del Toro, Grosschartner, and Tim Wellens, the world champion doesn't attack but is attacked by a very generous Tom Pidcock. It happens on Sante Marie, where one expects the Slovenian, who responds accordingly, but then misses a turn and falls heavily into the terrain. A slide with a complete pirouette and landing among the brambles. The race seems predetermined, beyond fate and skin. However, the rainbow-striped champion doesn't flinch (he had already done that before, in the turn, too much, excessive...) and with 19 kilometers to go, he unleashes his seated progression that knocks out Pidcock. Third Strade Bianche of his career, fourth victory in eight days of racing this season (number 15 for UAE Team Emirates - XRG), the 92nd victory of his career. For the first time, a rider wins back-to-back Strade Bianche. For the first time in Piazza del Campo, the rainbow colors and a new race record (40.705 km/h, Pidcock's two years ago was 40.636). Numbers from the number 1, after yet another performance.

Thomas PIDCOCK. 9. He is the leader of the Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team and acts as such. The 25-year-old British lad rides with the attitude of a champion, also because he is one, and is certainly not intimidated by Tadej Pogacar's presence: on the contrary, he excels. He does everything necessary and in the finale pays a bit for the effort, but what a race!

Tim WELLENS. 9. The 33-year-old Belgian after having a superb race, closes it with an exceptional result: 3rd. A man of struggle and governance. Make him prime minister.

Ben HEALY. 8. The Irish rider races with great attention and tactical acumen. He doesn't waste precious energy: a mature race.

Pello BILBAO. 7.5. At 35, he's still there fighting like a young boy with the youngsters. He brings home a 5th place that not only boosts morale and gives points but clearly says that this guy still has much to say in the saddle of his bicycle.

Magnus CORT. 7. Fights like a true gladiator and takes home a more than beautiful top-ten placement.

Gianni VERMEERSCH. 5.5. The 32-year-old Belgian rider is no stranger to these surfaces, quite the opposite. However, today he always suffers the race and obtains the minimum possible.

Michael VALGREN. 6. A sacrificial race to finish in the top ten.

Christian SCARONI. 17. Retires like Diego Ulissi. For both, a fall that takes them out of the race. For the 27-year-old from Brescia, a true protagonist of this season start with three victories and maximum points collected at the beginning of the year, a first-degree subluxation of the right clavicle that was really not needed, but could have gone much worse. A few days and he'll be as good as new.

Simone PETILLI. 6. The 31-year-old rider from Intermarché Wanty enters the day's first breakaway with Johan Price-Pejtersen (Alpecin - Deceuninck), Stan Dewulf (Decathlon AG2R La Mondiale Team), Lewis Askey (Groupama - FDJ), Connor Swift (INEOS Grenadiers), Albert Withen Philipsen (Lidl - Trek), Mark Donovan (Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team), Pepijn Reinderink (Soudal Quick-Step), Anders Foldager (Team Jayco AlUla) and Fabian Weiss (Tudor Pro Cycling Team).

Javier SERRANO. 5. Right from the start, the Spanish rider from Team Polti VisitMalta ends up on the ground: Sienese. As a start, not exactly great.

A PHOTOGRAPHER. 2. On Women's Day, a male photographer, strictly male, stands out for professionalism and gender spirit. An Italian-Czech colleague, Federica Muzzi, politely asks: "Shooting from below or standing? (to avoid getting stuck)". He's ready, very ready: "You lower yourself so I can look at your ass (he used another term)". Happy International Women's Day.

Copyright © TBW
Riguardo il fotografo: Sarà che sono di un'altra epoca....
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E sia ben chiaro io non sono né omofobo né razzista o che altro...

8 marzo 2025 18:12 italia
Chissà può darsi con le imprese di un supercampione domani i media dedicheranno qualche righetta in più al ciclismo. P S: POG mi ricorda tantissimo il mitico Eddy ...

Connor Swift?
8 marzo 2025 18:13 asdfa10
Il povero Connor Swift menzionato solo in mezzo a corridori che quando era partita la diretta in TV già si erano staccati. Quando si fanno quelle azioni ma non si indossa la divisa della UAE succede anche questo

8 marzo 2025 19:43 Bullet
Gli uomini, anche se non lo dicono, non guardano mai il sedere alle donne...

pidcock 2
8 marzo 2025 21:03 alerossi
già è il più forte e ti stacca quando vuole, se poi lo si aiuta pure...
tolti pogacar, vingegaard, van der poel, roglic ed evenepoel è una generazione di perdenti. mentalmente prima che fisicamente. e i punti uci fanno il resto.
pogacar è il n1 perchè ha la testa da n1 e ragiona da n1, quando gli altri impareranno (se mai impareranno) sarà troppo tardi.

9 marzo 2025 01:53 libero pensatore
Maleducazione e stupidità, come certi commenti... natura dell' uomo.

Buon 8 marzo
9 marzo 2025 16:03 Leonk80
Quel fotografo è un cafone e un maiale, esattamente come chi lo difende. Guardare e molestare sono cose completamente diverse.

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