WOMEN | 08/03/2025 | 16:10

On International Women's Day and in a new and prestigious location like the Join Research Center, the Joint Research Center of the European Commission in Ispra (VA), the final press conference was held in anticipation of the 26th Binda Trophy Comune di Cittiglio, a UCI Women's World Tour event, and the 12th Small Binda Trophy Valli del Verbano, a UCI Nation's Cup Women Junior event, scheduled for Sunday, March 16th, both starting from Luino and finishing in Cittiglio.

After an interesting guided tour of the Europa Science Experience, Marinus 'Rin' Stroonsijder, site manager and extremely happy to open the JRC to cycling, said: "I find that there are many similarities between the world of sports and the world of research - he said - it's wonderful to have started this friendship, we truly hope everything goes well and that this relationship can continue".

Race patron Mario Minervino spoke after the presentation of the race routes, thanking the Jrc, the authorities present, and the law enforcement for their always active support.

The race's technical director Davide Bardelli then revealed the names of the great athletes who will start from Luino's lakefront: "We will have fifteen 'World Team' formations, two 'Pro Team' and six 'Continental' teams. Among the greats, I would like to mention two Italians like Elisa Balsamo and Elisa Longo Borghini, from Lidl Trek and UAE Team Adq respectively, who have already won in Cittiglio. FDJ Suez will race with Demi Vollering, who has already won countless important races and whom we are extremely happy to see competing. With her will be the French Juliette Labous. Sd Workx will be very competitive with Anna Van der Breggen, who has returned to competitions, and we must not forget Canyon Sram Zondacrypto, which will be very competitive with an important trio composed of Katarzyna Niewiadoma, Soraya Paladin, and Cecilie Ludwig Uttrup. Finally, I would also mention the presence of Marianne Vos and Paulin Ferrand Prevot with Visma Lease and Bike". Exceptional names for a starting field of the highest level among the great favorites. "For the junior race, we will have eight national teams, one regional team, seven foreign club teams, and thirteen Italian teams - Bardelli continues - the British, French, and others will be worth watching in a race that is difficult to predict".

The passionate interventions of mayors Rossella Magnani for Cittiglio and Enrico Bianchi for Luino, both ready to support the event, the words of Ispra's mayor Rosalina Di Spirito, Stefano Pedrinazzi, President of the Lombardy Regional Committee of the Italian Cycling Federation, and law enforcement such as Colonel Fabrizio Rella, Commander of the Varese Guardia di Finanza, and Captain Roberto Castorina, Commander of the Luino Guardia di Finanza, the provincial deputy commander of the Varese Fire Department, and Dr. Carlo Trevisanello from the State Police, and finally the greetings from Dr. Daniele Scuttari of BPER Banca and Franco Vittella, councilor of the Varese Chamber of Commerce and President of Ascom Luino, led to the presentation of special awards.

The Memorial Prize for Vito Badalin, historic sponsor of the first edition of the Cittiglio women's race, the 'Badalin Chandeliers Trophy' was awarded to Emanuele Monti, regional councilor and long-time friend of Cycling Sport ProMotion races: "I am truly moved and thank you for the recognition - he said - I must say that after years I have truly become passionate about these events and I feel like I am part of this organization".

The Memorial Prize for Michele Binetti, creator of the race first organized in 1974, was awarded to Raisport's deputy director Auro Bulbarelli, for many years the RAI voice of cycling races: "How much time has passed - he said - today women's cycling has developed, but I remember in the past, when I was in the Lombard RAI editorial office and the first tapes of this race that was born for women and is only for women but wanted to grow, arrived. I have always compared the Binda Trophy to the Milano-Sanremo, if Sanremo is the event par excellence of men's cycling, Binda is for the girls. How many projects we set up over the years with Mario Minervino to grow the image of the Binda Trophy; I understood that television coverage was needed, which is now a reality, and I can say that on Sunday we will have an hour of live broadcast on Rai 2. It wasn't easy, but this battle was won".

The day closed with an extremely emotional Mario Minervino, defined as "the true gift for women on their day", who with tears in his eyes relived those years of growth, thanking everyone and remembering the many side events that will take place on Saturday and Sunday between Luino and Cittiglio.

Appointment therefore to the next weekend, which is expected to be truly captivating.

Copyright © TBW
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