PROFESSIONALS | 07/03/2025 | 08:26
di Francesca Monzone

Italian cycling returns to the spotlight with Strade Bianche, the Tuscan race that riders and fans consider a true Classic. Although not yet among the Monument Classics, RCS had already stated last year that Strade Bianche was on the right path to becoming one and that we just needed to wait for it to grow a bit more.

Saturday will see racing return to the Sienese roads with a men's course measuring 213 kilometers. In total, the men will cover 82 kilometers of white roads, divided into 16 sectors, while the women's race, totaling 136 kilometers, will have about 50 kilometers spread across 13 gravel sectors.

The organizers have guaranteed the integrity of the gravel sectors, confirming the absence of grass and stones that could cause crashes. Naturally, when racing on such routes, unexpected events are always around the corner and punctures will be the greatest challenge, but distractions will also be dangerous and in the finale, fatigue could play nasty tricks while dusty roads could add to the difficulty.

Last year, for the first time, the men's race exceeded 200 kilometers and featured more gravel sections than in the past. However, after Pogacar's victory with a solo breakaway of 80 kilometers, the organizers have designed a slightly more varied course to make the race more open.

As usual, the race will start from Siena, with the first kilometers on undulating paved roads. The first gravel sector is Vidritta, a straight and slightly downhill section with just one curve in the middle. Immediately following is the Bagnaia sector, which will be the first test of the day as it features sections with gradients over 10%. The Radi and La Piana sectors are less demanding, while the Montalcino climb, the longest of the day on asphalt at 5%, will only be an appetizer of what the riders will face later.

The race will gradually open up as the gravel sectors unfold: Lucignano d'Asso and Pieve a Salti are long, challenging, undulating, and with many curves. From this point, the race will be in full swing and riders will have understood if their legs are strong enough to attempt attacks later.

For the first time, the Serravalle sector is included in the route, spanning 9.3 kilometers of gravel with a steep start. Shortly after, there will be two truly crucial sectors for the race's outcome: San Martino in Grania (9.5 km, 12% max.) and Monte Sante Marie (9.5 km, 12% max.) where Tadej Pogacar left everyone behind last year, tackling the climb at high speed with sections up to 18%. However, riders won't be able to catch their breath, and soon after comes the Monteaperti climb, short but very steep.

Arriving at Vico d'Arbia, there will be 30 kilometers featuring the terrible Colle Pinzuto (2.4 km, 15% max.) and Le Tolfe (2.4 km, 15% max.), characterized by a steep descent followed by a steep climb with a maximum gradient of 18%. Strada del Castagno will lead riders along paved roads until the penultimate section, Montechiaro. But for those who think the worst is over, they'll have to wait for the second passage through Colle Pinzuto and Le Tolfe sectors, just over 10 kilometers from the finish.

After the dusty road sections, there will be the grueling finale towards Siena. The route will wind through wide and long roads until the historic center of the characteristic Tuscan city, where a climb with sections up to 9% awaits. 900 meters from the finish, the group will pass through Porta di Fontebrand, characterized by a cobblestone surface. The gradient will increase, reaching 16% at Santa Caterina, about 500 meters from the finish line. Then a sharp right turn onto Via delle Terme will lead to Via Banchi di Sotto, behind Piazza del Campo. In the last 300 meters, the road will gradually descend until a right turn onto Via Rinaldini, which will introduce the winner to the splendid Piazza del Campo.

Gravel Sectors
1. Vidritta * (2.1 kilometers long)
2. Bagnata *** (5.8 kilometers long, maximum 15% gradient)
3. Radi ** (4.4 km, 12% max.)
4. La Piana ** (5.5 km)
5. Lucignano d'Asso *** (11.9 km)
6. Pieve a Salti **** (8 km, 11% max.)
7. Serravalle *** (9.3 km, 11% max.)
8. San Martino in Grania ***** (9.5 km, 12% max.)
9. Monte Sante Marie ***** (11.5 km, 18% max.)
10. Monteaperti ** (0.8 km, 13% max.)
11. Colle Pinzuto **** (2.4 km, 15% max.)
12. Le Tolfe **** (1.1 km, 18% max.)
13. Strada del Castegno *** (1.3 km)
14. Montechiaro ** (3.3 km)
15. Colle Pinzuto **** (2.4 km, 15% max.)
16. Le Tolfe **** (1.1 km, 18% max.)

Copyright © TBW
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