NEWS | 07/03/2025 | 08:16

Seventy years of innovation and emotion, enclosed in a fifty-six-minute film titled "Sport in the Story - The Enervit Story": the unprecedented documentary will be broadcast Monday, March 10th at 7:00 PM on Sky Sport Arena (channel 204) and will be available On Demand.

Not just the story of an entirely Italian company that became global, the documentary discusses research and scientific progress and how supplementation and nutrition have revolutionized the approach to sports activity, bringing it to the highest levels. Speaking are the witnesses themselves, who with their sporting achievements have marked the greatest records in history: Stefano Baldini, Davide Cassani, Miguel Indurain, Francesco Moser, Federico Pellegrino, Tadej Pogačar, Sara Simeoni, Jannik Sinner, and Valentina Vezzali.

Protagonists of the story are also Maurizia, Pino, and Alberto Sorbini, children of Paolo, the founder of the company established in 1954.

A story that starting from sports and scientific research, however opens the horizon to other perspectives, such as society, customs, and communication in different eras.

And so added to the choral narrative are the testimonies of researchers and scientists, but also entrepreneurs and communicators who with their activity have contributed, on different levels, to the development of the narrative: Technogym CEO & Founder Nerio Alessandri, nutrition expert Elena Casiraghi, Radio Deejay Artistic Director Linus, manager Marina Petrone, and clinical nutrition professor Giovanni Scapagnini.

"When Enervit was born - declares President Alberto Sorbini - no company existed that dealt with sports nutrition. And if sports were an extraordinary testing ground for us, research has always been the beating heart of the company, the ally that allowed us to develop innovative products. With this documentary, we wanted to pay tribute to these principles, telling how innovation, sports, and the centrality of the person are the pillars of our history and the foundation of our vision for the future".

In addition to On Demand availability, it will be broadcast in replay on Sky Sport Uno (channel 201) on March 11th at 4:15 PM and on March 15th at 10:45 AM, on Sky Sport Max (channel 205) on March 15th at 5:00 PM and 11:30 PM.

you can watch the Trailer here

Produced by Enervit

Presented by Sky Sport and Enervit

Giovanni Bruno - Artistic Direction

Federico Salerno - Direction and Editing

Jacopo Pozzi - Screenplay

Marco Roveda - Sound Designer and Sound Engineer; Andrea Parini - DoP; Vito Reno - DoP; Flavio Chioda - Filmmaker; Alessandro Pelizzari - Filmmaker; Salvatore Allegrezza - Graphic Designer

Marina Petrone - Enervit

Matteo Gola - Enervit

Copyright © TBW
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