PROFESSIONALS | 06/03/2025 | 11:53

Let's rewind the tape one year: at the beginning of March 2024, Matteo Jorgenson was not thinking about winning Paris-Nice. Yet the American knows the "Race to the Sun" roads like the back of his hand: he arrived in France as a teenager and has been living in the Baie des Anges for several years. He loves Paris-Nice, which has become his "favorite race". His emerging talent had already allowed him to enter the top 10 of the event twice... And his move to Visma-Lease a Bike led him to great achievements in the 2024 season, marked especially by his splendid victory in Nice, practically at home. One year later, Jorgenson returns, alongside Jonas Vingegaard and confident in his strength.

How does it feel to return to Paris-Nice?
"I'm happy, as every year, to have survived the opening weekend with all my skin intact! And I had a good feeling too. I was really strong both days at Omloop Nieuwsblad and Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne, we have things to improve as a team for the upcoming classics, but personally I can't wait for Paris-Nice. I feel very confident."

This will be your only stage race in a calendar full of cobblestone classics. How have you built your spring campaign?
"Actually, I'm trying to do the same as last year. I always follow the old saying: if it's not broken, don't fix it. Last year went very well and I also had a lot of fun. Mentally, I can handle the load of these races, so I decided to keep exactly the same program."

What different race environment does he expect to find in a week at Paris-Nice?
"To be honest, it's quite similar to the classics, at least for the first two days. That's why I think racing in the opening weekend is useful for Paris-Nice. And then, slowly during the race, the tension fades and the race becomes more of a true physical fitness test. That's really what I'm looking forward to doing, the last, I would say five days of Paris-Nice."

Looking back at 2024, how special was that "home victory" that turned the race upside down on the last day?
"It was a truly special moment... It was the highlight of a great year for me. I knew this route and could distinguish every single curve. I'm really excited to go back there and pin the number one on my jersey for the first time in my career."

And what does he ask from Paris-Nice 2025?
"I hope to win! Yes, I want to win Paris-Nice: that's my goal. I only have good memories of this thing, I love it, it's my favorite race on the calendar. It's one of the greatest, if not the greatest, one-week stage races. At least that's how I see it, it's the one I like the most."

And this time Jonas Vingegaard will be by your side. What kind of balance do you see between you two?
"Jonas and I get along very well. I just think we have a very similar mentality and we're good friends. So I think we'll race very well together."

Last year it was an open battle until Nice... What kind of dynamics do you expect in 2025?
"It's always the same script when Paris-Nice is involved. Many scenarios can unfold until the last day in Nice..."

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