GRAN FONDO | 06/03/2025 | 08:10

It's time for significant anniversaries in Alta Valtellina, and LaStelvioSantini is preparing to celebrate 200 years since the opening of the Stelvio Pass road. A climb that is much more than an ascent, because in addition to representing the final goal of the event's three routes, it has been the stage for legendary cycling feats, becoming an authentic symbol for sports enthusiasts.

With an altitude of 2,758 meters above sea level, a total length of 21 kilometers when approached from Bormio, with its 40 hairpin turns marked like a countdown, 7 tunnels, and connecting three regions, the Stelvio Pass encompasses two centuries of Italian history. This important anniversary will be celebrated with numerous cultural events and sporting initiatives, among which LaStelvioSantini stands out.

Year after year, LaStelvioSantini pays homage to the passion for cycling and the territories that host it. The start on the upcoming June 8th will be made even more special by this important occasion.

"The Stelvio Pass is not just a road, it's an icon. A visionary engineering work born in the era of the Austrian Empire, which still challenges cyclists from around the world with its legendary slopes and turns. A stage for epic feats like Fausto Coppi's in 1953, the Stelvio is much more than a mountain pass: it's a goal, an extreme test, a dream for every enthusiast. – declares Paola Santini, Marketing Manager of Santini Cycling – With LaStelvioSantini, we allow anyone to experience this legend firsthand. It's not just a race, but a unique experience: pedaling on a road that has written history and continues to represent the ultimate challenge between effort, beauty, and passion for cycling."

Veronica Mazzola, Marketing Director of Multiservizi Alta Valle Spa states: "The bicentennial of the Stelvio Pass road construction represents a historic moment for the entire Alta Valtellina and particularly for Bormio. This road is not just an extraordinary engineering work, but a symbol of connection between territories and cultures that has spanned two centuries of Italian history. From 1825 to today, the Stelvio has transformed into a stage for world-class sporting challenges, becoming a sought-after destination for thousands of cyclists each year. The StelvioSantini is one of the most authentic expressions of this combination of territory, history, and sporting passion, becoming an unmissable appointment in the international amateur cycling calendar. On June 8th, we will celebrate this important anniversary by welcoming cyclists from around the world, ready to write a new chapter in the history of this legendary pass."


The amateur cycling event in Alta Valtellina will see its participants at the starting line in Bormio on June 8th, 2025. As tradition dictates, the three routes - the long 130-kilometer route, the medium 108-kilometer route, and the short 64-kilometer route - will put the riders to a tough test, who must reach the summit of the Stelvio Pass at 2,758 meters.

Finally, the possibility of participating with an e-bike on the short route is confirmed, and the option of couple registrations, so that cycling becomes increasingly inclusive.

Registrations are open on the website

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